Chapter 15

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"Hey retard, I'm home!" I say, dropping the bags of groceries onto the couch with a loud thud.

I wait for a while for any sound of life from Derreck but get nothing.

"Der...are you there?" I shout, heading towards the stairs to go up to his room.

Still no answer.

Getting worried, I rush over to his door - his scent is pretty fresh so he has to be here - and fling it open, gasping at the sight in front of me. I stare open mouthed at him...I just don't believe it.

"Beks!" He squeals, looking over at me and flinging the covers over him. "What're you doing home so early?"

I raise an eyebrow. "School's over already and I wanted help with the groceries."

"And you couldn't knock or let me know you're here?" He asks slowly, as if speaking to a small child.

I roll my eyes and place my hands on my hips before shaking my head. "As if screaming that I'm here and barging in on you naked isn't the way, do you do this all the time when I'm not here or - wait! I don't want to know."

"Hey, Derreck...oh, hello! Who're you?" A sickly sweet voice says, walking into the room from Derreck's private bathroom.

"Oh...oops." I say awkwardly, understanding everything now. "Um, I'm just gonna go downstairs and try to remove that disgusting image from my head."

At Derreck's low warning growl I roll my eyes and turn toward the door. I quickly make my way out of the room and make sure the door is securely shut between us before cringing at the thought of someone having sex with my brother. I shake my head and body as if that'll help.

"Who was she?" That same annoying voice asks again.

"That was my sister, Bekah." Derreck says with an exasperated sigh.

I growl and quickly make my way downstairs, hearing her say, "Doesn't really look like a sister to me."

I rush over to the couch and make quick work of putting everything in its proper place. Derreck is very OCD about how to organize the good when I couldn't possibly care less - thankfully this is a good distraction to put all my working brain cells into. Otherwise I'd be either trying to Clorox my brain from what I'd just seen upstairs or trying to figure out what the stranger meant about me. How do I not look like a sister!? Obviously I am one! Well...maybe only by adoption, but that doesn't really count! I've been his sister for years and I know enough about him to enact payback for all his tricks for decades. I know which buttons to press to make him angry, how to make him forgive me without him knowing it, and everything that he loves.

We've been taking care of each other for so long that know what, I don't care. She can think whatever she wants. I'm his sister and nothing she can say can change that fact.

But...why would she say that?

The sounds of feet on the stairway makes me look up. How long has my internal rant been going on exactly? Derreck gives me a funny look as he slowly walks over to join me - thankfully clothed in a pair of dark blue jeans and a tight black t-shirt.

"Oh, don't stop sorting on my account." He smirks with his hands raised in surrender.

I roll my eyes and turn back to putting the food where it goes. "So who's the new flavor?"

He chuckles at my question before coming over to help. "Her name's Emma and she's actually really nice, but it's over now anyways. I don't like being tied down and she knew what she was getting into. Great job, by the way."

"Thanks, it's exactly how you like it." I say, smiling at my handiwork. "Sorry, by the way."

"What for?" He asks, sounding confused.

"Well, for walking in on you two...and causing conflict. I know she started some kind of fight because of me. You know, I can always hurry up down here and make myself scarce if I you want more alone time?" I say, scared that he might be upset with me because I ruined yet another relationship of his.

"Hey, I do this to myself. I should have sent you a message earlier and given you a warning that someone was over. No need to punish yourself for something you couldn't control." He says, taking my face in his hands and kissing my forehead. "I love you because you're my sister...and if I can't find someone who respects our relationship then I don't care. Eventually I'll find my mate and she'll deal with our weird lifestyle."

I smile and roll my eyes at him. "You know, she's going to be so mad at you for all these one night stands, right?"

"Eh, not as mad as your mate will be." He smirks and starts to put things into the cupboards, making me growl in annoyance.

"You wouldn't dare tell him." I say, eyes wide. "I think that breaks all kinds of family codes, you know."

"Well, the bad part about knowing each other's secrets is the fact that we know them all." He says, not sounding the least bit scared of my anger.

"Jerk." I say, earning an unashamed laugh.

"Don't play with fire Beks, you'll just get burned." He answers.

"Fine, if you're so content with everything then you can finish unpacking. I'm going to go take a long bubble bath and listen to music. A lot more fun than trading secrets and dealing with your crazy OCD ways." I say, smiling widely as I quickly make my way over to the stairs.

"Hey! That's not fair. You bought half the store and expect me to put it all up myself." He whines and tries to make a grab for me to keep me from running off.

"Well, I've had a long day - of school and making friends and making sure things don't go crazy in a supernatural way - and all you've done is woo a girl to your bed. I feel like a bath is in order for me and you get to do chores!" I say, clapping happily before darting up the stairs.

"And you say I'm the jerk?" He yells after me, shaking his head as if I'm a silly child.

"Yup." I nod with a teasing smile before turning on my heel, heading to my room. "You're welcome!"

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