Chapter 37

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I shove her back forcefully and don't even try to contain most of my wolf's fury. "You're a freaking Hunter?!"

Her eyes widen a bit before she smiles like I hadn't said anything. "What's a hunter? Like poor defenseless animals? I don't like hunting."

"That's not what I mean and you know it!" I say through clenched teeth. "After all, you shot me."

Her careful facade quickly drops along with her jaw. "Y-you're a werewolf?"

My eyes soften a little at her lost expression - she really doesn't know. "Yes."

"B-but they're supposed to be horrible creatures that can't think beyond the kill. My parents told me that it was our job to protect people from the vicious ways of your kind...but y-you're not anything like he said." She says, looking around as tears start to fill her confused eyes before something flickers in them. "Wait. H-how are you still alive? That bullet was filled with wolfs bane."

"That's my secret." I say, not sure if I can trust her anymore. "Besides, you're a hunter, all you do is relentlessly hunt down our kind to extinction without regard to the innocents caught in the crossfire."

"What does that even mean?!" She demands angrily as tears flow down her face.

"It means that you may need to ask your father about a fire that occurred here about four years ago and he'll tell you about how they burned a house filled with sleeping women and children in his attempt to rid the world of us!" I yell, not noticing the single year that slides down my nose.

"What's going on here?" Colin asks, stepping up behind me.

"Nothing...just finding out that some aren't meant to be trusted." I bite out, making sure to put plenty of venom behind my words.

"Anna, Jasynn's over there you can go speak with him and forget about Bekah here. She's had a rough few weeks and shouldn't have taken it out on you." He says, dismissing her without second thought, and she nods eagerly before running off.

Then he drags me under the bleachers and pulls me into his warm embrace. "I heard about the gunshot...I can't believe they were foolish enough to practice that openly! Is Derreck really that much of an idiot?!"

I let out a low warning growl - no one disgraces the name of my mate.

"Sorry, I just mean, if I were in his shoes I would make sure to find somewhere the hunters couldn't find any of you. Of course, I didn't expect Dean's girlfriend to be one of them." He says, glancing over toward where the guys, Anna, and Laura are laughing.

"Hey, how is she?" Raif says, walking over like he has no care in the world.

"Oh, shut up! You know you were worried about her and she probably knows you sent me to check up on her." Colin laughs easily, making me calm down a bit.

"Hey, why did you growl when my bro said Derreck's name?" Raif asks, watching me closely with one brow raised.

"Does it matter?" Colin asks, giving his brother a pointed look.

"He's my mate." I say quietly - for some reason I can't help but feel like I can trust them.

"Congratulations!" Colin says with a huge grin as he throws his arms around me, lifting me up and spinning us around.

I can't help but laugh at the excited look on his adorable face. "Thanks...but I have to ask you something."

"What is it?" Raif asks as Colin places me gently into my feet.

"Why are you two so nice to me? Aren't my pack and I your enemy? So, shouldn't you be terrorizing me or something?" I ask, looking at the ground to avoid their stares.

"Listen Beks." Colin says with a sigh. "We don't want to see you get hurt - your pack is okay enough. But our loyalty is to Fenris and we have to do what he says."

"Is there a reason you feel so stuck with him?" I ask grumpily, honestly I hate the guy - I don't care what they say.

"Let's just say that he helped us out of a bad situation. We have a debt to repay and, even though we're not too find of his methods, we still have a long way to go." Raif says cryptically.

" that case...I still don't get it. But I do respect it and won't hold you to it. I only ask is that you settle it soon because I will fight for my pack and won't rest until he's dead." I say watching them closely, noticing they don't mind the threat to their leader.

"Hey, Bekah!" Jasynn calls from the other side of the bleachers we're standing behind.

"Coming!" I yell, giving the twins one last look - my only thought at the moment is that they're completely gorgeous, but I prefer Derreck.

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