Chapter 23

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I stare at him for a moment, trying to find the best way to understand what's going on here when two of the guys catch my attention. The twins from school.

"So right about now you're probably asking yourself 'how is this possible.' Or 'why do they all have red eyes.' Or 'alphas are crazy territorial and this should be impossible.' Well, let me tell you from experience, it's not - impossible, that is. Anyway, after getting rid of my old man, I found out that I can gain the strength of a member of the pack if I kill them. Anyways, some of them got away and started talking. I'm so disappointed." He says, sadly shaking his head.

"Anyways, not too long later, these guys showed up one at a time after they'd....well, let's just say they found my idea inspirational." He adds to his crazy-man speech, a huge smirk with terrifying effects lights his face under the moon.

The more he talks, the more I feel the need to vomit. These people killed their packs all for the sake of having a bit more power. Who does that?

"And then you found people dumb enough to follow you after killing your old pack. How do they know you won't do the same to them?" I ask, earning a round of growls from the surrounding men.

"Ah, well, we've all come to a mutual arrangement that we all stay alive. As long as we all get to choose who joins and we get to kill as many hunters as we find." He says, as if it's the most obvious answer.

I sigh, deciding to give up on his crazy talk - I've had enough. "And if I don't bring him to you, let me guess, you'll kill the boys here?"

He nods. "Well, actually we'll keep them locked up where you'll never find them...but you'll feel the pain we inflict on them daily. We're actually going to go after anyone you've really connected with over the past month. That includes Anna, Laura, Xander, Trey, any teachers or students you've talked to....oh, and Melody Dean."

"If you know what's best for you, you wouldn't go near any of those names." I snarl at him.

"And that reaction shows me who I shall save until last. Of course, that's before we force you to some remote place and let you watch us kill the boys here." He says, smirking evily.

"I swear Fenris if you touch any of them I will not hold back. I don't care what anyone may think, I'll take you down without another thought." I say, trying desperately to hold in my wolf.

He just laughs as the twins walk towards me. "Raif and Colin here will make sure you do what I want. After I have your precious Derreck you'll never have to deal with me again."

"Fine, but I have things to do...alone! And I refuse to have two giant lugs following me everywhere." I bite out, already planning different ways to rip his miserable head from that poor body of his.

"More incentive for you to keep your end." He says, smirking.

"How about you let the boys go - they're not a part of your vendetta again us - and I'll go with you?" I say, just wanting Jase and Rhys as far from this guy as possible.

"Valiant, but no. I'll see you soon." He says, and they disappear in a blink.

How did they move so fast?

A twig crunching caused me to turn swiftly toward the twins, snarling angrily. The slightly taller one quickly raises his hands above his hands.

"Hey, no need to go crazy on us. Just wanted to give you a head start. I promise to give you an hour without us on your tail, after that we have to follow his orders. I'm Colin and this is my brother Raif." He says, holding a hand out for me to shake.

I quickly take in their matching black jeans, black combat boots, black wife eaters, tanned skin, and short brown hair matched perfectly with royal blue eyes. To be honest, they're beautiful - in a psychotic, I'm-gonna-kill-everyone-you've-ever-met-with-my-creepy-claws kind of way. Yeah, with what they are and why they're here, they're just shy of perfect.

I hesitantly take it and he pulls me into his chest. "Be careful around this guy - he's completely mental."

"You're giving me advice...aren't you supposed to be on his side?" I ask, not sure if I'm confused or surprised by his words.

"No, I'm we're helping you. And, yes, we're on his side. Think of this as more of a warning than anything." Raif says this time with a small, amused chuckle.

I shake my head, deciding to go with confused. "You know what? That hour sounds pretty good, maybe you should go ahead and leave so it can start."

Colin's amused smile catches my attention as they glance to one another before nodding. "See you in an hour, Bekah."

With that they disappear, running from the field with a speed I know isn't natural for is. A speed so fast that they're reduced to a blurring mass of black, tan, and brown.

I wait a few seconds before falling to my knees. Breathing heavily, I drop my head into my hands as the feeling of being slowly hollowed out starts to fill my chest. It's like someone's taken a tiny little tea spoon and started to scoop out little pieces of my innards. I feel like I'm being torn apart and I can't breath no matter how hard I try.

I rub at my temples as the anger starts to flare. Looking up at the stars I finally realize why I'm so angry. And it's not because of the alphas or being in this town, it's his fault. Derreck - for lying to me.

"Why?!" I shout to the stars. "I mean, I can't believe this. You know, we made a pact was a long time ago but it was still valid. And I know it wasn't because you felt sorry for me or vise versa. It was because we genuinely knew we could only count on each other - after my parents were murdered by rogues, after my pack have me away like it was nothing...after we lost the pack in the fire.

"So remember that day when you promised you'd be here no matter what? Well, it's come and gone and so have you! You've left me all alone to face something you were looking for! Something we could have just left for a stronger group to take care of - like hunters or another pack. But no, you had to be the all mighty alpha who just had to come investigate! What, your pride couldn't handle letting someone else take care of this town? Was it some kind of territory thing? Because I never really got answers to why we had to come here. All I got was the most horrifying creature I've ever seen and half of the body of a girl. I didn't even know her name! Yet, you were willing to risk both our live for her. " I furiously wipe a test from my cheek and sniff.

"Now you're not even here to help me stop this thing because you gave yourself to the police! People who already suspect you of murdering our pack and setting the old house on fire. They also blame you for Paul, by the way!" I stop my angry tirade as a thought comes to me. "Paul...?"

If there's still a part of him left...well, it can't hurt. If I'm close enough maybe my words will help, or we could mind-link or something.

That's it! It's time to confront that annoying little pain.

It's about time I talk to Paul.

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