Chapter 25

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As soon as I slam the door, I turn and slide down to the floor taking quick, shallow breaths. Reaching up I click the lock into place and lean back, shutting my eyes to level my breathing and frantic heart. As my heart slowly reaches it regular pace I finally notice how my body is shaking - more like vibrating really. Maybe it's the shock or adrenaline still pumping, but it scares me a bit.

"What the -?" A very male voice says, startling me.

I jump up to my feet and slam the guy into the nearest wall, my claws surfacing around his neck as my wolf begs to be released. "Who are you?"

His shocked eyes twitch at the demanding tone before he smirks. "I'm Ian and I live here. Who are you?"

"You don't live here!" I scoff, pushing my nails a little closer to his skin. "Mel and Jase live here with me and I know for a fact that neither are here. So, tell me, who are you and how did you get in?"

He wiggles a bit before pulling a set of keys from his pocket and holding one out for me to see. "As I said, I'm Ian Tinneson and this key here should be proof that I live here now. Just moved in about an hour ago when Melody gave me the spare key before heading to work. So who are you?"

I take a good look at the key and see he's right - it is the spare and I can smell Mel's scent. It's about an hour old. I reluctantly retract my claws and take a couple steps back before telling him my name. "I'm Bekah."

"Yes, you are." He says appreciatively, eyes roaming my whole body.

I give him a confused look before glancing down at myself. I gasp and punch him, scurrying up the stairs straight to my room. I completely forgot I was naked - too focused on hiding my scent and loosing Paul to remember.

But, in my defense, no one was supposed to be here. It's late - well, now it's early - and Mel's at work while Jase is...kidnapped. I quickly tug on my undergarments before finding an old pair of navy sweats that were Derreck's and a grey t-shirt with the words "Bite Me." I take a deep breath once I reach the door and, just as I turn the knob, the doorbell rings.

I hear the door open and then a lot of crashing noises, as if there's a brawl going on downstairs. I start to run as all the scents hit me.

"You aren't allowed to be here!" Ian shouts angrily as something large bits the wall as I reach the last stair.

"Technically, I was invited! What are you doing here mutt?" A voice I quickly recognize as Raif's booms from the living room.

"Oh, I'm the mutt? Just look at you and your brother there. Just on that jaw alone I can tell exactly why you'd been omegas up until your crazy crusade!" Ian answers, grunting as I hear two people collide.

I sigh and walk in, hoping they'll stop when they see me. Sadly, that is not the case. I guess with guys, two against one is the ideal kind of fight. Ugh, men! I stand patiently in the open entryway for them to at least acknowledge me, but they just keep fighting and breaking anything that dares get in their way. After about ten more minutes of punching, biting, grunting, and tosssing I finally decide I'm done with this and clear my throat loudly.

Snapping my fingers I turn around an dart into the kitchen, searching through endless cabinets for what I'm looking for. Quickly grasping them in my fists I head back into the living area. I tiptoe up behind them and raise my hands into the air, swinging down hard and hitting one of the twins right in the butt. He yowls in pain, hands gripping his rear as he jumps up and down. The other turns to face me and I swing without really thinking, whisking him on the side of the head. He flys to the floor and whimpers as he grips his head in both hands. Being smart for once, Ian throws both his hands up in surrender as I cross my arms with a smug smirk.

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