Chapter 22

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My body flies toward the door when Rhys hits the breaks and turns onto the old dirt road at the last second, almost missing our turn. I let out a small hiss of pain as my ribs protest against the sudden collision.

He makes a face when he remembers what happened - the whole flying into a tree, again, thing - and mutters, "Sorry."

"It's alright. I'm just a little sore, it'll be fine soon." I lie, knowing it kind of feels like I'd been hit by a giant bulldozer.

"Yeah?" He asks, glancing over at me. "I completely believed that."

I roll my eyes at his sarcasm and try to find a comfortable position as we speed along the dirt road. In less time than I expect, we're pulling up to the front of the house and the car jolts to a stop. I grunt in response to almost being thrown into the dash board and give Rhys a playful glare.

"What?! You said we needed to get here fast!" He says, defensively throwing his hands in the air.

"Yeah, but I didn't want a mouthful of dash board to fill my aching middle." I say, rolling my eyes and getting out of the vehicle as quickly as I can.

"Bekah?" A voice whispers from somewhere close by and I instantly turn around to find who it is.

"Who's there?" I ask, only seeing darkness surrounded by, well, more darkness.

I squint my eyes and take a couple steps forward. All I can make out is the shape of someone in front of me, about three yards behind the tree line. Deciding sight won't help me at the moment, I focus on my hearing - tuning it into all that surrounds me. The sound of seven heart beats catches my attention...and someone sobbing.

The sound of the car door slamming, breaks my focus and I swivel around to see Rhys running towards me in the moonlight. I sigh and scratch my forehead when he smiles down at me.

"Seriously? You should have stayed in the car." I say, raising an eyebrow at him in annoyance before turning to face our guests. "Okay, come on out before I have to do something you'll regret."

I hear a chuckle as they make their way towards us. Slowly, the five figures make their way into the small clearing that surrounds the old Haile estate. I watch carefully as the first one steps into the moonlight, his malicious smile focuses solely on me. I gasp when I recognize him - his dark auburn hair, tawny eyes, and muscular body is exactly same as the last time I saw him. He's the son of my old alpha, of the pack that basically sold me to the Hailes to be their servant.

"Nice to see you again." He says, eyes glowing red in the dark.

"Well, it looks like you got what you've always wanted - a band of idiots to follow you around like you're actually worth something." I reply, clenching my teeth in anger.

"I wouldn't be so quick with the remarks if I were you. Maybe I came to invite you to join us? You were always my favorite." He says, his voice gradually taking a husky tone.

"Why would I want to join you?" I laugh, shaking my head in amusement. "It's not like you or anyone in that pack of yours actually cared for me anyways. So why would I go back somewhere where I know exactly how I'll be treated?"

He stares at me with a raised brow for a second.

"Besides, I have my own pack. And I like them more." I say taking a small step towards Rhys.

"What? The human next to you and the newly turned pup who can barely run without tripping?" He says with a bone chilling laugh.

"I have two others." I say, refusing to back down to him.

"Come on, Beks! We both know your Alpha is locked up in jail for murder and who knows what else. Besides, who's the last member of your 'pack'? Huh?" He asks, taking a step closer to us.

"That's none of your business. Now, I need to pick up some stuff from inside and go home. Mel's gonna kill me for being out so late." I say, not giving him anything about who she is other than a nickname.

"Well, I have something that belongs to you." He says, smirking at me in a way that makes me want to punch him.

"And what's that? You found an old dolly of mine and didn't want it stinking up the place." I say, fighting the urge to rip his head off - technically he's trespassing on my wolf's land, and she hates him for it.

"Well, it's your pup. He came here looking for you and found me instead." He says, signaling one of his men forward.

I roll my eyes at him as I wait. "Sorry, I for have any pups."

"Beks?" Jasynn's voice is like cold water being injected into my blood.

"Let him go." I growl, practically snarling at him.

"Now, we both know I can't do that until I get what I want." He says in mock disappointment, annoyance practically dripping from the words.

"I already told you I'm not going to join you and we both know I can easily tear you apart. Probably before your little body guards can even blink." I say, rolling my eyes at him while keeping Jase in my line of vision at all times.

"You sure about that?" He asks and I nod once. "Well, on the contrary, I'm not actually here for you. I'm here for Derreck - and I only need you to get him to me."

"Why would I help you get to my brother? Even if I could, why?" I say, grimly amused by the mere thought of it.

"Well, if you want your little friends here to survive the next few days you might do it. Might, but I don't know - you seem to have no problem forgetting where your loyalties should lie." He says, eyes glowing dangerously red as he takes a couple calm steps toward me.

"And they're with you?" I ask incredulously before barking out a laugh. "I'm sorry, I didn't know being loyal meant I had to like the guy who basically laughed while the entire pack either shunned or tormented me."

"Knew you'd see it my way. Anyways, I have...acquired knowledge that a certain Haile gets released tomorrow. So, I'd have to say that this task will be a bit easier. Especially with the man power I have behind me." He says, body screaming confidence. "I bet you've noticed a significant thing about them by now. I'll give you a hint, look at the eyes."

I look over and watch the others closely. I have to squint my eyes as I try to discern his meaning but, after a second, I find I have not need to.

All their eyes glow red. And, yet, they're definitely a pack. But how?

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