Onew (With a hint of Minho)

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"How come you never smile?"

(Name) had once again made the mistake of accompanying Lee Jinki, a boy in her class, somewhere outside of school. The boy who never knew the right time to speak-or rather, the right thing to speak. That boy who was so intelligent, yet sounded so stupid whenever he opened that mouth of his.

This was one of those times.

"It's a waste," she answered, looking uninterestedly at her bitten-down nails, a habit she desperately needed to kick.

"How?" There went another stupid and pointless question. Jinki always wanted to know the answer to everything. Then again, that's just because he was Jinki; Always cracking terrible jokes and doing stupid things for laughs and just wanting to know everything his bad-humored brain could fit. And he always looked at (Name) with those sparkling, big brown eyes that forced her to succumb to her classmate.

But not in the way that she liked.

"I just don't see the point in it, especially if technically, I don't feel anything to cause me to smile."

And that was just (Name); Always defending her points whether she may be right or wrong. However, it didn't matter because always believed she was right. She was right and everyone else was wrong. Not just because she believed so, but more rather, because nobody else understood her.

Maybe that's why she never smiled. Or maybe nobody understood her because she never smiled. All she knew was nobody could really understand her reasoning.

"Why not?"

Another pointless question.

"Because nothing's given me a reason."

"Should you need a reason?"

"I don't do anything without a reason," (Name) argued, but not in a way that one would deem her as mad. She was, however, irritated by Jinki's constant way of asking question after question after question. But she was good at hiding it. Even so, it wasn't like Jinki would be able to notice.

Jinki nodded, wanting to know more but keeping silent. He knew from experience that if he pushed an answer from her, he would end up knowing everything except what he wanted to know. He turned to look at her. "Do you like Minho?"

Another stupid, unnecessary question.

Another assumption made by Lee Jinki. He assumed that since they were both athletic, they had this connection. She still didn't smile around Minho, but she certainly opened up to him more willingly. She told him more than she would probably ever tell Jinki.

Maybe he knew what happened to her to make her like this.

"Why does that matter?" (Name) inquired as she picked at a loose thread on her old, tattered hand-me-down sweater that her older sister decided would "look cuter on her." Not because the subject made her nervous, or because she was uncomfortable, or even a little embarrassed. She looked down and played with that loose thread because this topic bored her. It meant nothing to her. Minho meant nothing to her in that sense.

Jinki stuttered and stumbled over his words, "No reason. It just, uh, seems you guys are, like, really close."

"No," (Name) insisted, knowing there was no chemistry between her and Minho. They were simply fellow teammates, and she knew she could trust him. He could trust her. Because they were the only ones who fully understood each other.

Not that it was any of Jinki's business.

Jinki nodded again, this time staying silent. He looked ahead of him, hugging his knees tightly to his chest while (Name) continued to pick at her ancient sweater.

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