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Jonghyun hated coffee.

He never liked the taste of it and couldn't pinpoint why other people like to drink it so much. He did like the smell of it, though, freshly brewed coffee. It was a complicated feeling he had.

So while the others needed coffee to stay up during late sessions or get that kick they needed early in the morning, he stuck with some other caffeinated drink, like soda. Or he kind of just takes naps in between breaks to keep himself up late.

And it was just his luck that he drew the shortest straw to be the one to get his bandmates something from the cafe around the block. Yeah, because he knew where that was. He had already typed the name of the coffee-infested shop into his phone's GPS and plugged an earphone into his ear so he didn't crash into anyone for keeping his eyes glued to his phone.

"Don't forget to get napkins!" Key reminded Jonghyun as he made his way out.

"Yeah, yeah, I got it!"


"I take back everything I said about coffee," he mumbled to himself as soon as he set foot in the cafe and laid eyes on the cashier. Lowering his sunglasses to get a better look, he wondered why he never volunteered to pick up drinks from this place before.

He'd drink all the coffee this girl asked him to.

Jonghyun didn't know how much time had passed, but soon enough he was standing right in front of the counter that separated him and the cashier. He learned from her name tag (when he came close enough to be able to see it) that her name was '(Name)'.

"Hi, how can I help you?" asked (Name) behind the counter with a smile, snapping the white-haired young man out of his spell.

Up close, he was even more stunned by how pretty she was. "Oh, sorry," he apologized, more for staring than the next sentence that came from his mouth. "Um, what do you guys have here?"

He was confused by the fact that (Name) pointed up as she tried to hold in her laughter. That was, until he looked up to see a full menu displayed overhead. Jonghyun felt like the stupidest person alive not to be able to locate a huge menu right when he walked in. "Oh."

In his defense, he was distracted by (Name).

"Yeah, I think the menu helps," she giggled, covering her mouth in a manner Jonghyun saw all girls do when they laugh. To him, it was like it was a reflex or instinct.

"Okay," Said Jonghyun as he scanned the menu. He had no idea what the difference between a cappuccino and a frappucinno was, but Key wanted a frappuccino whereas the others wanted a simple coffee. Oh, but the cappuccinos were cheaper... "Can I get three regular cups of coffee and a vanilla frappuccino?"

(Name) gave Jonghyun a weird look before punching in the order in the cash register. "That's a lot of coffee for one person." Jonghyun gave her the amount needed to pay for the beverages. "Might stunt your growth."

"Oh, no. It's not for me, I don't drink coffee," Jonghyun replied, unaware that he was holding up the line. "It's for my friends. And uh, I don't think that's the case for my height."

"But we're about the same height, and I hear I'm pretty tall for a girl," (Name) told him, and Jonghyun laughed nervously.

"I'm actually wearing insoles right now, so you might be taller than me," he confessed, and again, the girl behind the cash register tried to hold her laughter, because if she hadn't, she probably wouldn't have been able to quiet down. Jonghyun smiled at the sight because he was the reason that smile was on (Name)'s face.

God, he had only met her and he was already romanticizing the fact that she was laughing at his height issues.

"Well, your order should be ready in a few, so if you could just wait over on the other side," (Name) pointed which way the 'other side' was supposed to be on, "one of my co-workers will give you your things after they're all done."

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