Taemin (With a little Onew)

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This was getting to be too dangerous. (Name) was definitely a dangerous girl.

Unfortunately, he was the only one who knew this. In fact, he didn't even know she was a girl until about a week ago. He didn't know how he couldn't tell. Her face is completely feminine.

Of course, so is his in ways more than one.

The day he and the rest of SHINee met her, she acted so much like a... A guy. Her hair was cut short and styled carefully with gel. It reminded Taemin of Minho's hair when they had been shooting their 'Sherlock' music video.

She was to be their new choreographer. And boy, could she dance.

But everyone addressed her as a male, so of course Taemin would also get that idea and do the same. At the time, he just figured, 'He must be a flower boy.'

That was obviously not the case at all.

The day he found out, he had stayed behind at the studio to practice a little more since he wasn't as tired as his other members. After a while, he took a break to use the bathroom.

When he got back, (Name) was there, talking on the phone. Taemin hid there behind the doorway.

Eavesdropping probably wasn't the best thing to do, but his curiosity got the best of him.

"Yeah, they took one look at my hair and clothes and assumed I was a guy, so I kinda just went along with it. Figured it might give me a better shot at at this job," he heard (Name) say with a quiet chuckle. His eyes widened.

"He's actually a she?" Taemin had questioned under his breath to himself. Come to think of it, he realized that she kind of had a light sway in her hips when she walked.

Not that he paid attention to that kind of stuff.

His thoughts were interrupted by a hearty laugh from the young man, who was actually a young woman, inside the room. "As if I'd tell them that. They might think I'm some crazy fan who'd be willing to go as far as posing as a male just to be within a ten-foot radius of them. This job pays really good money. I actually made enough to pay the rent this month without busting my butt waiting tables six days a week."
Upon hearing this, Taemin stood there quietly listening. So she was one of those people. Someone who just wants to get by in life and then some.

"I love you, too," (Name) said finally. "Take care in America. Start a big family. I want to be an aunt of many!"

Taemin heard a faint beep from (Name)'s phone as he-she hung up the call. Just as he began to hear her footsteps protruding toward the doorway out, he walked in, making it look like he was just coming in.

"Oh!" (Name) exclaimed, having been startled by Taemin's sudden appearance in front of her. She cleared her throat. "Sorry, man. Didn't know you were in here, too."

With that, she patted Taemin on the shoulder and walked the rest of the way out.

The whole time after that incident, Taemin just couldn't see her the same way again.

He didn't want to, but he just started to think of her differently.


Knock, knock.

"Bright and early, guys!"

It was (Name). Knocking on the door.

At five o'clock in the morning. When they were told they could sleep in a little, they didn't think the 'little' part was so literal.

"You've got fifteen minutes to do your business and meet me in the studio. And hurry!"

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