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(Name) looked out the window and watched as the snow fell, already blanketing the ground in about two inches of white. "I should go now before it gets worse," she proposed as she pulled herself up from the couch, but was almost immediately pulled back down and wrapped in the comfort of her boyfriend's arms.

"But Jagi, it's so cold out," Minho whined, face comfortably nuzzled in the crook of her neck as he inhaled the scent of peppermint. He liked it when (Name) wore these types of perfumes during this time of year. The day before, she had smelled of freshly baked gingerbread. "You'll freeze as soon as you set foot out there, and then I'll be left with no one to kiss under the mistletoe."

"Oh, that's totally positive," (Name) giggled sarcastically when she felt Minho blink on her neck, his eyelashes fluttering against her very ticklish skin.

They both liked when they could do this. Just to sit together on the couch watching sports or movies and, both of their favorite part, snuggling up to each other. Because of Minho's busy schedule and (Name)'s studies, the two of them treasured every second they could spend alone with each other. Especially around Christmas, the busiest time of the year. But to the young couple, it meant hot chocolate and mistletoe and candy canes ((Name) preferred the fruit-flavored ones, whereas Minho enjoyed the traditional peppermint ones).

Minho kept his arms around (Name)'s waist, only this time, more protectively. "Stay~," he begged, sounding like a four year old. He rested his chin on her shoulder and pouted, eyebrows furrowed together, something (Name) had grown used to. "We haven't even gotten to the middle of the movie yet."

"You're so childish, Oppa," (Name) teased as she played with the idol's fingers, opening and closing the middle and pointer so that they resembled scissors. She looked out of the window again, seeing the snow beginning to fall at a quicker pace. Would she even survive out there with her sweater and a light jacket?

Minho laughed, "Oh, I'm the childish one? Says the 20 year old who begged me to buy 'Rudolph the Red-Nosed Reindeer' and 'Frosty the Snowman." He gestured to the two DVD cases on top of the DVD player below the television.

"You still bought them," (Name) argued, making her point known. "Come on, you know you love me too much to say no to me. Which is why you'll let me go home so I don't get buried in snow, right?"

"Oh, you're funny, (Name)-ah," Minho chuckled. He began placing gentle kisses trailing up and down her neck, not trying to sexually advance toward anything, but if he was, he would definitely be hitting a home run here. "I already said you'd freeze out there. Besides, aren't I much warmer than any coat you've got?"

"Well, yeah, but-"

Cut off.

"Then stay the night. The snow should be done falling by then," Minho negotiated, intertwining his fingers with hers. "We can finish our movies, maybe make some hot chocolate, cuddle a little more," he placed another kiss on (Name), this time on her jawline, "and since I don't share my room, we can share my bed. Doesn't that sound a lot better than walking out in the cold?"

(Name) rolled her eyes with a content smile and the satisfaction of seeing this side of Minho, a side she often liked to see because he was so tender and gentle. "Choi Minho, you are quite the charmer," she said.

"You love me."

"That I do," (Name) agreed. She sighed, for Minho made this so much more difficult for her. "Ugh, but it's almost Christmas. What if my mom comes by my home?"

"I'm sure she can call or come by again tomorrow. I'm keeping you for the night, not forever," Minho countered, becoming too comfortable in his position to move, and definitely too comfortable to let (Name) leave.

The young (usually polite and non-foul-mouthed) woman mentally cursed at Minho for his many different methods of getting what he wanted. There was pretty much no way she would be getting out of this one, so she had no idea why she was still so strongly trying to argue her point. Besides, it wasn't like she wanted to leave the warmth of her love's arms anyway.

"All right, fine," she gave in without anymore resistance of any sort. "But only because you used 'hot chocolate' and 'cuddle' in the same sentence."

Minho smiled and raised the volume of the television as he kissed (Name)'s cheek. "Merry Christmas, (Name)-ah."

"Merry Christmas, Minho. I love you."

"I love you more."

"I love you most."


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