Minho (Warning: Possible Trigger Alert)

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It was dark. And a little noisier than usual. And a little bit chilly. And actually kind of thrilling, and not in the good way.

What a perfect night to be walking home alone.

Surrounding (Name) as she lazily dragged her feet step-by-step on the concrete were cars zooming by on the streets, the busy chatter from both inside and outside of restaurants, and maybe a rushing police car or two, sirens blaring as they passed through traffic.

The usual in this part of the city.

Which is usually why (Name) tries to avoid coming through these places, especially at night.

It wasn't exactly her first choice obviously, to be walking through here, but it was the quickest way home, and she doesn't necessarily enjoy traveling on the bus at night either. So when the party at her cousin's house ended, she took off. Her cousin tried to offer her a ride home, but since he'd had a few drinks, she politely declined, no matter how many times he insisted that he was sober enough to drive her home.

The only thing she really regretted was not listening to the weather forecast on her phone and neglecting to bring a sweater. Yeah, that might have been a mistake.

She kept looking to her sides only out of suspicion, because she was getting the strangest feeling that although she was alone, there was someone watching her. Someone following her. She didn't know if it was the feeling she had or the temperature outside, but a cold chill shivered its way down her spine, and she knew that she either needed to stop watching so many crime shows or start bringing a sweater with her everywhere she went.

It was most likely the first one.

She looked behind herself after hearing a sound. The sound of probably something clattering onto the floor like it were knocked over.


Once she realized that the only people behind her seemed to be a couple about twenty feet away, she let out a breath she didn't even know she was holding in and kept walking, but she picked up her pace.

She needed to get home quicker, sooner. She needed to be safe in her home cuddled up in her blankets and watching reruns of her favorite dramas.
She couldn't bring herself to trust anyone she passed.

That was it. She was going to have to get a ride home.

(Name) took her phone from the pocket of her jeans and tapped on her screen so that she could go through her contacts. She scrolled down slowly to consider her options.

Mom? No, she'll call my aunt to harp on Taemin for drinking when he has classes the next day. Dad? Nope, bad sense of direction. Middle school cousins, little brother; Totally out of the question. Kibum? It's half-past midnight. He's probably sleeping by now... Co-workers. More co-workers...

Wow, she needed to be more social.

"I guess I'll have to-"

Hands. One over her mouth, another holding her hip as the arm connected to it wrapped around her waist. The owner of these rough and big hands yanked her back into an alley; The most typical place for any attacker to drag their victims into.

It was almost funny. (Name) never imagined that she'd ever be a victim.

She was just so terrified she forgot to laugh.

Her attacker slammed her hard against the brick wall, so hard that she might have received a minor concussion from the impact. (Name) tried desperately to yell for help from anyone, really, but with loud car horns blaring and a hand over her mouth, she doubted she would really be heard.

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