Key (Drabble- Dress Shopping)

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"What's wrong with the dresses you own?" Key asked, flipping the page of his book.

(Name) practically owned about three decent dresses for the event. "You already know they don't fit me as well as they used to," she pointed out.

"Well, maybe if you laid off the sweets a little-"


"Kidding! I'm just kidding," Key defended himself, holding his book up to cover his face as if (Name) were going to slap him. "You know I love you. Okay, let's go."


Store. After store. After store. After store.

And still nothing. Key had found his suit three hours ago, and still no dress for (Name).

The day had honestly been nothing but Key dragging (Name) around and picking up countless dresses, only for none of them to have the "look" that Key thought (Name) should have when she wore it.

She was just willing to go with anything at this point.

But her wonderful other half would have nothing but the best.

"Try this one on."

(Name) groaned, getting up from one of the chairs in the store she had literally just settled down in five seconds ago. "I swear Kibum, this one better be it."

She tiredly snatched the dress from Key's hands and into the changing room she went.

This was what she got for having a boyfriend who actually participated in shopping activity.

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