SHINee (Wives In Labour)

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Onew: Onew's phone rang, vibrating on the table beside him. He saw he had no choice to but to pick it up when he noticed that it was his mother-in-law.


Sighing, he answered the call from her.

"Hello?" He said, pressing the electronic against his ear.

"Where are you??" The woman screeched into his ear, making him cringe and hold his phone away from him while she rambled viciously. "Your wife is in labor!"

Upon hearing these words, Onew froze, nearly dropping his phone. Had (Name) really gone into labor? And he wasn't the one to bring her to the hospital? His bandmates stared as if he had turned to stone, which, theoretically, he had.

Pressing his phone against his ear again, he opened his mouth to respond, but nothing came out. Absolutely nothing, although he wanted to say a thousand things at once.


"Are you serious?" Onew asked. There was no way his daughter/son was going to be born without him. He was just about ready to run straight to the hospital with no explanation.

"Lee Jinki," (Name)'s mother initiated, voice very stern with no stutter, like always. "I have been waiting for a grandchild ever since you got with my daughter. Why would I not be serious? You need to get over here and be beside your wife while she births your child."

"Right. I'll be there."

Onew had managed to play it cool until he hung up. He stood there, shock drawn all over his face. This was actually happening.

His first child was being born today.

"What was that?" Jonghyun asked for all the members.

"(Name)'s having the baby..." Onew replied blankly, only to freak out a few moments after. He gripped Jonghyun's shoulders. "She's having the baby!" Onew soon let go of his bandmate's shoulders as he moved on to the next stage of his behavior. "I gotta be there... I have to go!"

The leader began gathering his things and threw his coat on. Everything was already happening so fast; Onew had no time to explain anything more. He feared that he would miss everything.

It felt as if he couldn't get ready fast enough.

"But what about-," Taemin began, but was automatically cut off by his elder.

"Do it without me!" He shouted over his shoulder as he dashed out the door. No interview was more important than his sprouting family. "I've got to see my bundle of joy in progress!"

And with that, he was not to be seen or heard because that's how determined he was to see his child.

His baby.

"Name the baby after me!" Key yelled after him.

Jonghyun: Jonghyun sat next to his beloved wife as they watched morning cartoons together, his arm over her shoulder. In her bulging stomach carried the child that would begin the start of their lives together as parents. Neither could wait until the moment.

"So," he said when the commercials came up. His hand gently ran over (Name)'s baby bump and felt the occasional kick that made his heart soar every time. A smile was practically glued onto his face as he looked into the eyes of his other half. "Have you settled on the name for our mini-me?"

He and (Name) made an agreement for the baby's name. Because it was their first child, it would mean that it was (Name)'s first time carrying and conceiving one, so she should have the privilege of naming it. If they were to have another child, then Jonghyun would get to name that one.

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