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Taemin knocked on the front door of (Name)'s house, holding a plastic shopping bag filled with treats, just to surprise her with something sweet.

"(Name)-ah!" He called, knocking continuously. Still no answer. "Are you home?"


Taemin scratched his head and looked around the front door area. She had to have a spare sitting around somewhere. Then he could plant the sweets in her kitchen somewhere, maybe her fridge. (Name) always went straight to the fridge for something to drink as soon as she got home. Oh, and he could leave her a cute little love note with a cheesy poem written on it! She always loved those.

The only problem?

He forgot where she told him the spare key should be.

Sighing, he got down on all fours, checking under her 'Welcome' mat and inside the pot that contained a very leafy plant, hoping that it was that simple to find it. Either (Name) was too clever or Taemin was just so blind he can't spot objects right in front of his face.

Or maybe it was both of those reasons.

While Taemin lingered on the reason he couldn't find that key, he noticed a little gleam from under one of the plant's leaves. The key was taped. Under the leaf.

Smart girl.

He carefully removed the key, trying not to break the precious hiding spot. Maybe he should get a leafy plant for his own house...

The door Taemin, the door. Open the door.

Getting back up onto his feet, Taemin brushed off his pants and slid the key with ease into the lock. He turned it and heard a subtle click, indicating that he had successfully unlocked the entrance.

He shoved the key in his pocket and turned the doorknob, carefully pushing the door open. As soon as he stepped in, he could hear members of FTIsland from (Name)'s room, talking to a radio show host. She must have left her radio on again by accident.

"Aigoo..." He sighed, setting his bag of sweets atop the granite countertop of the mini bar that separated the living room from the kitchen. "How many times has that been this month? Do I have to remind you every day before you leave?"

Taemin walked to the door which lead to (Name)'s nice, bright blue colored bedroom.

Or were the walls colored lavender? He never really paid attention to something so minimal as that small detail. Mostly because half the time he was ever in that bedroom, he was in there for reasons far from anything innocent.

Shaking his head from that thought, he entered the room, but stopped after his first step. At this particular sight, he seemed to be frozen in time.

So this means (Name) is, in fact, home.

But she just so happened to be half-naked, one leg slipping into a pair of leggings. Her hair was damp and there was a towel on the edge of her bed. Taemin realized that the reason she didn't hear him knocking earlier was because she was in the shower.

At the sound of the door opening, (Name) froze and looked up from her challenge in Operation: Leggings to see Taemin standing there, hand on the doorknob.

Her reflexes caused her to grab her towel and drape it around her exposed body. "Taemin, get out!"

Taemin snapped back into reality after having heard his name. Once he realized he was basically being kicked out of his second bedroom, he began to protest.

"Why?" He whined, feet firmly planted on the floor. His bottom lip stuck out slightly in a babyish out. "It's not like I haven't seen you in less-"

(Name) cut him off.

"This is different!"

"But h-"


"Okay, okay," said Taemin, shutting the door as he exited the room he barely stepped into. His pants felt a little tighter than they usually did. Just a little. But he chose to ignore it, as he knew it would most likely go away on its own. That, and he had a feeling that sight was the most of (Name) he'd be seeing today.

"You look adorable!" Taemin said from his side of the door, and he didn't have to be with (Name) to know she rolled her eyes at this comment.

"You don't even know what I'm wearing yet."

"But I bet you'll look adorable."


Taemin laughed.

"This dork brought you sweets and goodies. So hurry up and get changed!"

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