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"(Full Name)! Choi Minho!" Called Professor Park over the chatter of the class as they left the room. Minho and (Name) stopped dead in their tracks fearing what this could possibly mean.

When they looked back, Professor Park was curling her index finger in a 'come hither' motion. Minho and (Name) hurriedly made their way to her desk in shame. "Yes, Professor?" They both said, the expressions on their faces giving away the fact that they were absolutely terrified.

"I hope you're aware that the semester is almost over," the older woman stated as she straightened graded tests and several papers of sheet music. The two students nodded vigorously, trying not to seem vulnerable and failing miserably to do so. "That means the information session for the Department of Music is coming up in a while. More specifically, two weeks."

"Yes ma'am."

Professor Park smiled at two of her star pupils, only causing the ones on the receiving end to furrow their eyebrows in curiosity.

"I've decided to let the two of you represent the Vocal Music majors by performing a duet!" She informed excitedly, and once (Name) and Minho realized what was happening, they grinned.

They heard that it was an honor to represent the whole department of anything in an information session. It meant that the Professor trusted their chosen student(s) to make their department look good so that applicants considering that certain department didn't have to think twice about being a student at SNU.

"Are you serious?" Minho asked, while (Name) stood next to him at loss for words. Professor Park nodded to confirm her recent words; She knew how to get things done, but she was also a bit of a jokester, so she understood how Minho had a little trouble believing this news. "Oh my God, that's great! What do you want us to perform?"

"I trust that the two of you can pick a song that's appropriate enough. Keep in mind that I expect you to do your best on this performance," Professor Park said as she opened on of her drawers and pulled out a key. She gave it to (Name), the more responsible out of the two. "This is my spare key to the auditorium. Don't lose it. You may use the auditorium to practice, since that's where the info session will be held."

"Thanks so much, Professor," (Name) finally managed to get a few words out of her mouth as she bowed respectfully before the older woman, Minho doing the same. "We'll do our best!"

(Name) grabbed Minho's wrist and dragged him out of that classroom.

"We are so screwed," she said as the two began making their way to Minho's car so they could head out for a 'Just Planned In Class' lunch date. It was his turn to pick the place, so he was eager to get to the vehicle.

Minho managed to just barely dodge a flying frisbee (Seriously, what was it with college students and frisbee? He still couldn't understand.). "Wait, screwed? Weren't you the one who said we'd do our best? I thought you were as excited as I am," Minho said, confused. "You even accepted the key to the auditorium!'

"Minho, do you even know what this means?" (Name) asked, almost in a panic. But Minho couldn't grasp why she was worrying so much over this. Wasn't it supposed to be a good thing?

"That we're... Representing our department?"

"Exactly!" (Name) confirmed, and Minho's expression started to say, 'Okay, you lost me.' She sighed as she began to explain. "This performance is more or less going to influence whether or not people want to come to this school to major in Vocal Music! And on top of that, you and I both know how big that auditorium is. There are going to be a bunch of high schoolers with their parents and maybe a sibling, Professor Park's going to be watching, and of course, some of our own classmates might want to watch, too!"

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