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The morning light peered in through the window blinds, waking Minho gently to the slight of his love quietly snoring beside him. With a smile, Minho attempted to wake her up with a nice kiss on the cheek.

(Name) groaned as she reached her hand up to rub her cheek. Minho giggled.

"Good morning, sunshine," he cooed, playing with the tangles of her hair until she sleepily forced his hands away from her.

"Five more minutes," she begged, still half-asleep as she covered her face with the comforter of the bed.

Minho lowered the comforter, completely entertained by how defenseless (Name) was acting. "You said that five minutes ago."

"I'm serious this time, I swear."


"Oppa..." (Name) complained, eyes still closed in fear that if she opened them, she wouldn't be able to go back to sleep. Half of the reason was because she wasn't a morning person, whereas the other half was because if she looked at Minho's face, she would end up giving in to what he wanted. And what he wanted was not what she wanted.

She wanted to sleep.

(Name) had already turned her back to Minho so that she could get back to her deep sleep. However, five seconds after she closed her eyes, she was disturbed by the man she desperately wanted to kick out of the the room. His hand rested upon her shoulder as he shook her gently.

"It's time to get up," he said, sounding more like a mother to her child than a boyfriend to his girlfriend. "I'm finally getting a day off in a long time."

"Then rest," (Name) countered, shrugging off the hand of her partner. One would think with such a busy lifestyle, he'd want to just lay in bed and do nothing but sleep all day. Minho was certainly a backwards man.

Minho sucked his teeth. "But I want to do stuff," he whined.

"Sleeping is stuff."

By this point, (Name) had given up trying to speak, and her words came out slurred and almost completely incoherent. Her body was slowly shutting down with each passing second, and if she didn't get back to sleep within two minutes, she would just resort to making Minho stay in the living room until she woke up.

"I mean outside stuff," Minho scoffed, lying flat on his back as he watched the ceiling fan go round.

(Name) waved her hand toward the door. "We can go sleep in the backyard," she suggested, letting her arm drop back down so that it was hanging off of the edge of the bed. "But you're setting up the tent."

"(Name)," Minho said sternly, growing serious.

"Minho," said (Name), mocking Minho.


(Name) turned again so that she was face-to-face with her companion. Which was a huge mistake.

His pleading eyes, his perfect lips which were slightly pouting, and those few words might have been enough to break her. "I'll love you forever."

Be strong, (Name). Don't give in.

Minho scooted closer to her, and (Name) didn't know whether to be grateful or disgusted by this matter. It did change the subject, but not in the way she would have preferred it to have done so.

"No!" She practically shouted, arm extended slightly enough for her hand to cup over Minho's mouth. "Don't come anywhere near me with your morning breath. Go brush your teeth."

"You've got it, too," said Minho.

"Yeah, but at least I'm making an effort to keep a good distance."

"Come on, it's not that bad," Minho was beginning to hatch an evil plan. If he's not getting what he wants right away, he'll just have to put a little extra effort in doing so. "I bet you wouldn't even mind if I kissed you right now."

(Name)'s eyes widened. "You wouldn't."

"Wanna bet?"

Within a split second, Minho had lunged toward the girl, attempting to plant a big ol' kiss right on her lips. (Name) dodged the action with a surprised squeak as she pushed him away. "God, you're so gross!"

"Don't try to escape my love for you," Minho laughed, entertained by this little wrestling match the two were currently in. (Name) managed to scramble off of the bed and onto her feet, pillow in hand. She threw the pillow she had been holding directly at Minho's face.

(Name) sighed. "Well, now I'm already up," she complained, arms crossed in a childish manner. "Thanks a lot, Minho."

"You're welcome."

(Name) stuck out her tongue at Minho, who returned the favor playfully.

"Fine," she said, and Minho smiled because he knew exactly what she was going to say. "I guess we're getting up and going out."

"Yay!" Minho cheered, resembling an excited child in a playground. The fact that his smile could change his entire look from 'No Soul' to 'Adorable Man-baby' in two seconds flat didn't help at all. In fact, it frustrated (Name) more than anything else in the world.

(Name) made her way out of the room so that she could go to the bathroom. "Well, I'm going to go brush my teeth since I'm probably the only person here who feels that you shouldn't kiss someone with horrible morning breath."

As the room door shut behind here, Minho chuckled, enjoying the fact that he end up getting just what he wanted once more.

This wasn't anything new.

"I love you!" He shouted loud enough for (Name) to hear, and almost immediately after, he heard her faint response.


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