8 - Hell of friends

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The tone of their expressions was unmistakable; their gaze was intense, and their postures were aggressive, as if they were trying to convey a message of strength and dominance. It was like they were screaming 'POWER' with every fiber of their being, and their brazen faces were enough for anyone to read the intention behind their words.


And I have no intention of doing it anytime soon. If only I could uncover the secrets fate had in store for me. Ryan rose from his chair, embracing each one of them warmly. Following their brief exchange of greetings, their attention turned to the elder vampires in the hall. Though I couldn't quite make out their words due to the considerable distance between us, everyone appeared elated at their presence.

"Psst." I couldn't say whether it was the correct way to call a vampire, but it did the trick as she turned her attention towards me.

"You want to know who they are?"

'Well, who would have thought Marg had psychic abilities?'

"Dumbo, it was written all over your face."

Oops, did I just say that out loud? I waved my head slightly and peered at her as if she were Google. Marg was proving to be incredibly helpful at this moment, and she, too, appeared enthusiastic about their arrival.

"They're Ryan's friends. Scratch that; they're his 'hell of friends'. They may appear tough, but trust me when I say that Ryan is the toughest. However, these guys really intimidate us. And I mean a whole lot."

She emphasized her last word, and I nodded in comprehension. Knowing that even the nocturnal creatures of the night had the capacity to embody emotions like intimidation and fear was a reassuring thought. It made me feel less vulnerable, almost as if I wasn't merely prey.

"The blonde with the long hair is Neha. The shorter one is Alice, and the one with brunette hair is Rose. The guy in the leather jacket is Edmund, and the handsome one is Jeril. Isn't he just the cutestttt?"

Margaret, her excitement overflowing, let out a burst of delight that reverberated through the air, causing my temples to throb instantly. The sudden outburst captivated the attention of everyone nearby, including Ryan, as their ears caught her high-pitched shriek. Great! Just great! I pondered seeking refuge beneath the table in an attempt to escape the situation. However, to my dismay, the Edmund guy not only singled me out but also addressed me directly.

"You, come here."

I didn't move an inch from my spot, hopeful that he was referring to Margaret. But that foolish girl nudged my chair slightly and gestured with her eyes for me to obey his commands before he repeated himself. My knees trembled as I stood up, willingly walking towards my own extinction. All thanks to Marg and her incessant whining. Ryan wore a smug expression that irked me to no end, while Sid seemed tense. Adrian maintained an indifferent face, avoiding direct eye contact. Uh-oh! It seems like my approaching death is indeed inescapable. By the time I reached them, I was trembling uncontrollably, and to add to my anxiety, all eyes were fixed on me. I scanned the group of vampires, trying to identify Ryan's mother, but my vision was blurred, making it impossible to distinguish one figure from another. Stay conscious, Atty. If you passed out now, it would be more humiliating than death itself. I can at least die with my head head high.

"So, you are 'that' girl."

It was the short-haired girl. What was her name again? Yeah, Alice. Her eyes were narrowed at me as if I were some bug.

"She doesn't seem worth it."

What did she mean by 'it'? I wanted to inquire, but I stayed quiet. You know what they say about curiosity and cats—it doesn't bode well.

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