Bad Blood......

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We were outside the main door, and James led the way to some stairs. There's a second floor here?

Helena was in complete silence. She might be angry with me for not telling her about the dream. But I had my reasons.

I decided to give her some time to calm down.

As we came to the end of stairs, another wooden door blocked the way. James took out a key and unlocked it. The door opened with a screech and we all entered. Me and Helena gasped at the sight in front of us. In there, were hundreds of deathly equipments that would be enough for winning a battle against Thor.

Maybe not that much, but you got it, right?

"Are you planning on World War 3?"

He looked at me with a slight smirk.

"I am not planning to start one, but these have helped me in the previous two wars."

"I did not have any weapons. Still, I fought well."

Helena said and shrugged.

I didn't know what to say. Two of my acquaintances are simply talking about their experience in world wars, while my grandmother didn't even have my father's fetus at that time.

Wait... what a fool I am? Probably my father would have been the one who led World War 1. Of course, after all, he's older than both of them.

I felt like a kid caught between two of the ancient creatures while they rambled on about their adventures.

I cleared my throat to grab their attention. Still, they were in a deep conversation. So I walked towards the accessories and saw an old model gun. It looks so small.

Without thinking twice, I took the pistol. Suddenly, the whole place was lit with red laser lights.

"Atarah, don't move."

Though James was yelling, I could not hear anything because of the sirens.

"What's happening?" I shouted.

"You happened. Why did you take it? These weapons are under strong security. If you take one single step, we will be shot by hundreds of bullets."

"Well, you should have said it in the first place. How the hell would I know?"

"Now you are blaming it on me?"

We were shouting at each other like maniacs.

Helena seemed to be helpless between us.

"Because of you, we are all going to die."

I suddenly felt the urge to kick him. He kept on blaming me, and that only added heat to my boiling blood. I suddenly experienced a solid ball in my left palm and, given the opportunity, I threw it at James.

He was fast enough to duck my fireball, but it collided with the security system behind him, making it shut off.

The room was once again silent except for the annoying sound coming from that stupid machine. James looked back at his melting security boards and let out a groan.

"That would have been me."

He didn't take his surprised eyes off me.

"Well... you provoked me."

I said, as if that was a big crime.

He was about to say something but stopped, knowing that I was still angry.

"Holy freaking shit"

We looked at Sid, who was now standing near the door. Actually, all four of them were there.

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