Chapter 8: For I Can't Help

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I was losing my bloody mind down here with this, thing. For the past two day after the bellhop came down its done nothing but cry and nothing seems to make it stop. Feeding it,  it cries. Changing it, but it cries after that too. Rock it to sleep and it still cries, but with a very slim chance of it falling asleep. It wasn't working tonight as I sat there gently cradling it in my arms covered in baby power, and drenched with what I prayed was milk.

"Kid..." I tried to hold the need to snap at it. "You been crying for days now...please what do you need."

The child just kept crying.

"It be really nice if I knew so you can stop crying."

She was still crying.

"Please..." I felt tears start to build up in my eyes. "Please for the love of god tell me what's wrong so you can stop crying!"

I started to cry along side the child. I was broken because of this. I tried to take care of it, but I must me horrible at it if I can't even get her to stop crying. I hoped off the bed carrying a still crying child. I must not have know were I was going, because I soon ran into the table were I had placed my record player to clean the dust off of it. I heard a record start turning around, as an desperate attempt I took the needle and placed it down. As soon as the needle hit the grove the music started playing. As the music echoed in the room the cries stopped, and I felt a small hand grip my finger. I looked down and heard a giggle coming from the child.

"Do like the music little one?" I asked. "This is just one of the records from my collection. Cecil said the record was from a  Elvis Presley I think."

The child giggled happily as I began to rock them back and forth, the song filled the room as it played. I always loved this song, even if it wasn't like the Classic records in my collection. I didn't realized it at first, but I was singing softly to the child.

"Take my hand, take my whole life too. For I can't help falling in love with you." I sang rocking the child, I felt the grip on my finger loosen with the sound of a soft little yawn. As The song was starting to come to an end I placed her in the makeshift crib. "For I can't help falling in love with you"

All that could be heard in the room now was the light scratches of the record, I turned it off and laid in my bed and let out a relieved sigh.

"Maybe this, wont be so terrible after all."

His Little nightmareOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora