Chapter 10: Bait

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We all stood there in silence, waiting for what the lady wanted to say. The tension was thick, all I could hear at that moment was my own heart beat racing. 

"Cecil?" I whispered "whats all this about?"

"I'm Dave roger, my brothers on the other side."

"And to answer your question I'm not so sure" Cecil replied. "The Lady has never done this before."

I froze in place about to go in a panic. If this is about six, what should I do. Run and get six to safety? What if she didn't know it was me caring for her in the lair. I would look guilty if  went into a panic. i felt my hands start to shake as I heard someone walk towards us.

"Gentlemen" she spoke. "We have a problem. The ferryman has informed me that my husband seemed to have been in touch with someone on the shores to deliver a child to there establishment. As you all know taking children off the maw is a crime punishable by death."

Everything was silent for the moment until I heard her footsteps again, this time they sounded like they were right in front of me. 

"Janitor, did you know about any of this?" She asked. "Because if you were that would make you just as guilty as my husband, since making sure that the children don't leave the prison was your job to begin with!"

What could I say? I already was in a panic if she knew that would be the end of me and once they searched my room that would surly be the end of six. If i can lie out of this, I'm making sure i at least tried to save our skins.

"Janitor?" She repeated.

"I can assure you my lady i had no part in this." I answered. "After all the kindness you showed me never would I cross you in such a way"

"If that's the case what do you think we should do?" She asked. 

I stood there in thought about it for a second and I thought of the one thing that could help us.

"I would say we should change course, sail away from the shores and skip this part of the rout entirely in this travel cycle." I answered. "If your husband was going to do this then we should make sure we avoid the one thing he wanted."

"But that means we wont be able to dock there for another four years." The bellhop stated.

"And whats your point bellhop?" The lady spoke. "If the janitor has no idea of this plot then it only means what you told me about my husband is true. Dave, Cecil inform the gnomes that we will not be docking tonight and we will be heading away from the shores.

"Yes mam" they both spoke and walked out of the room. 

"As for you bellhop, thank you for informing the ferryman about all of this. you may go however I wish to speak with the janitor alone."

"Y-Yes my lady" The bellhop spoke quietly and soon walked out of the room himself.

Everything was silent again all but the sounds of the maw echoed at this point. 

"You are telling me the truth right janitor?" She spoke.

"Yes my lady every word" I answered.

"The bellhop told me that my husband was going into the prison every now and again. I figured you would have known more." She replied sounding sadden that i didn't have more information. 

"He must have crept by me, with this eye sight of mine all he would need to be was quiet as a door mouse to get passed me." I told her.

"Very well, you may leave here and returned to your duties."

"Thank you my lady, but if i may ask...were is your husband now?"

The lady chuckled at that statement. 

"You don't need to worry if you think you need to watch him in the prison. In fact since the change of course we will need to relay oh the oceans fish for food. My husband will make some very good bait for them, wouldn't you agree?"

"Y-yeah" I laughed nervously. 


I open the door to my room to hear six giggle. 

"Daddy!" She yelled as picked her up.

"Hey there little one, sorry I took so long." I told her. "Your still safe for another day."

"She would have been safer if we just got her to the shores." 

I stopped to hear the bellhop behind me. 

"Safe?" I spoke before I placed six down I turned around quickly and grabbed the bellhop and slammed him to the wall. "safe! You call what you did today safe! What the bloody hell did you tell her about her husband!? I demand to know right now."

"I-I know what I did was was wrong, but i had no choice" He began. "The ferry man saw me with the life boat if he found out we all would have been dead."

"You told him about this to save your skin, out of anything you could have told him to explain yourself." I was enraged. "You let the lady kill her husband for god sake."

"And what about you?" He asked "You seemed to have been pretty eager to play along and made it so this secret will keep going for another four years."

"I did what i had to do after what you caused, you made it so i had no other choice. I wouldn't care if i had to watch this child until the day she dies. She would be a lot safer here then out there." My voice soften and i soon let the bellhop go. "get out of my sight, before I tear your head off." 

I could hear his rapid footsteps get quieter, and I waited until they were completely gone before I picked up six again. After everything today I now knew what to do if the lady found her. I would fight to make sure six was never harmed.   

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