Chapter 17: No More Bellman, Among the Sea

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Bang, Bang, Bang

I turned to the noise coming from the other door in my room. I walked back inside and headed toward it.

"Dad?" Six mumbled.

"Go back to sleep sweetheart, ok?" 

I opened the door and heard the raspy voice of the bellhop.

"Roger?" he asked. "Care to walk with me?"

"A little late don't you think?" 

"Please." I heard his voice soften almost as if he needs me to come with him.

I agreed and followed him, it felt like hours going deeper and deeper in the prison until he stopped me.

"Where are we?" I asked him.

"My dormitories, this is were I've stayed for decades."

"Why are you telling me this?"

"Because I wanted at least a few more minutes with you before I can't. Roger you know once six gets hungry there's nothing you can do to stop her. More then likely she may never be the same again."

"I know, but no matter what I will be there for her a-" just then I realized the full statement he said to me." before you can't, what do you mean by that?"

It was silence for a moment until I heard a scraping of wood. "Roger, six may devour her mother once the hunger hits, and the girl has a good re son too. When the lady is gone however, I will have nothing left in this world."

"Your not saying, don't you dare do it."

"This life has been hard for me to bear roger, maybe once the lady is gone her memories will return when we meet again."

"Don't be crazy" I told the bellhop, but the room just went silent. I soon could here his voice, but it was low almost hard to hear. Until I noticed that...he was singing.

"Having a nightmare in a boat, come with me, oh no no. He hung, he hung, he hung, don't leave me. No more bellman among the sea."

I heard the slow creaking of the floorboards as he walked farther from me, I reached for him but he pulled my away. The song as he sang it was almost hypnotic, I felt as if I could move. It felt as if I tried anything it would not allow me.

"Hello, hello were lonely. Help her help her, and we'll see. My way, my way and you'll see. A halo ascending him above our sea."

"Bellhop, stop this...stop this right now. Your not thinking straight." he didn't listen he just kept singing. I felt like I couldn't move anymore, I was useless to help.

"Come, fun here comes veronica. Come, come he cut veronica. Run Run, here comes veronica. Send on a ferry and upon our sea."

After that and a loud sickening crack... The room was quiet, the bellman was no more. I felt sick to my stomach, what did I just allow to happen. I soon heard something drop to the ground I pick it up, it was a envelope. I opened it and took the letter out of it and in a daze I walked back to my room. Six was asleep but at that moment I didn't care, I picked her up...and held her in my arms.


"Sorry sweet heart, I-I ... Just remember your dad loves you."

"I love you too, but what's wrong? You sound scared."

"Don't worry, it''s nothing."

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