Chapter 16 : Memory

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"Hey dad?" six asked me while I was carving at a piece of wood at my work desk.

"Yes, what is it?"

"Why are those cone heads watching you?"

"Cone heads? Oh... you mean the gnomes."

"Yeah" six replied. "There just sitting there watching you. Why are they?"

"You see honey, there waiting until I'm done with the new toy."

"You make the gnomes toys?" she asked surprised.

"I forgot to tell you this, but after you left I um...broke a good amount of my collection. So I figured it was time for me to make more, and well the gnomes seem to like them so much that I ended up making them a few every now and again."

"But how?" she asked. "Your blind."

"I may be blind yes but that never stopped me before has it?."

"No" six replied.

"Besides I used to tinker with toy making when I still had my eyes, its mostly something I can do out of memory."

"How?" six sighed. "I mean how can a memory allow you to still make toys."

I stopped what I was doing, I knew what this was leading to. Her year was coming soon, her powers will soon be awaken and her fear of forgetting everything was latched on to her like a leach.

"Still scared about your birthday, aren't you?"

"Y-yeah" she replied quietly. "It's just its not fair, why do I need to forget. I don't want to forget! W-what if I don't remember you after all of this, I...I"

I heard six start to cry, I knew sh- no we were both scared. She was scared of losing me and I was scared she would never be the same after everything that's about to happen. However we knew it be pointless to cry over this, but there we time we both would break down.

"Hey, do you wanna know my secret six?"


"Yeah on how I still know how to make toys?"


"Tinkering was something I loved to do as a lad six, but when I lost my eyes. I thought I would never be able to make them again, but one day I picked up my tools and with some practice I realized I could still do it. Some memories fade six, but the ones that make you happy, excited, or even loved. Those are the memories both your mind, and your heart make stay the longest. Promise me you will remember this six."

"I-I will dad"

I felt six climb up my arms and sat on my shoulder, she stayed there until I took her back to her room. Once she was asleep I stood out on my porch and sat there...and just... waited. Waited for a plan to just crawl in my brain. A plan to get six and I some were safe, a way to get away from everything that's wrong in this world, a place for six to see the sunrise without the fear of death looming over her every day. But until the lady is gone it may never be a real choice for her.

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