chapter 20: The dying light

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I started from the workshop, to the boiler room with no luck. I thought I heard something but the gnomes were all down there. I couldn't hear a kid down there if I even wanted too. I soon however caught up with her after almost catching her in the library I knew where she was going. I ran to her as fast as I could, I had to catch up to her. I heard the metal door in front of me start to close, but I soon heard the crunch of metal a cage was keeping it from closing I reached both my arms under the gap trying to reach for her. My mind kept screaming the same thing over and over.

' Six, please let me catch you. Just wait to leave just a little longer.'

I heard one of the cages bars snap.

' once there not as much danger up there, you can go. I can keep you safe that way. I promised the two of us would help you through this.'

I heard the metallic creaking from the cage it was about to go.

' Six...please remember. Daddy loves you. '

Just like that the cage snapped and the explosion of pain hit me. I screamed out until i fell to the ground.


"Didn't think I would see you this early" a familiar voice spoke up.

The blackness began to fade I could see a table with two chairs, in one of them sat a lanky man in a red uniform. His face almost looked as if was melted away.

"I won't lie its good to see you Roger."

"B-bellhop? I d-"

"Dead?" he replied "No, at least not yet . Even with your arms cut off you still haven't lost enough blood for that surprisingly."

"I guess that explains why I can see you." he motioned me to take a seat, and I did as instructed. I looked around to see that it looked like we were in a small theater of sorts and in front of us was a large glass screen. "Were are we exactly?"

"My purgatory, it turns out I have unfinished business here." He soon looked at me in discussed. " You were a damn fool for what you did Roger."

"I know, I should have just let her go. I should have known that I couldn't stop her."

"Why did you try too?" the bellhop asked me.

"Becuse I couldn't bare to think of the worse. I didn't want the idea of her possibly getting hurt or even killed becuse of something she can't control. So I just completely ignored everything and tried to catch her and keep her safe untill there was less danger."

"You really care about the girl, don't you?"

"Of course" I awnsered "I practically raised her after all, but I think now I'm more of a fool. I should have just let her leave. I was the only person she had there's no one for her."

"You are a fool, but a fool with heart. You wanted her to live when her mother wanted her dead and her father ever tried to fight for her."

"She makes me proud." I told him. "She's a tough one, just like her old man. I'm just sorry I never got to tell her."

"I'm sure deep down she will always know you loved her even if she forgets you."

"I think your right" I told him.

My vision began to slowly fade to black, was my life starting to fade."

"Looks like its almost time to say good by roger." I bellhop said.

"Seems like it, maybe we will see one another again in another life."

The last thing I saw was a faint smile on the bellhop.

"Goodbye Roger."

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