Chapter 9: The Birthday

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From that night on things seemed to go a lot better for me with this child. Before I left to do my job I would play a record and she would sleep for a few hours at least. It was sure the best way for me to get working without worrying about her.

"Morning Roger" I stopped at the voice of the bellhop behind me I stopped what I was doing and walked over to him.

"Morning, hows everything?" I replied.

"Well I wanted to see how you and the child where doing." he asked me. "That and I needed to talk to you."

"Well she's in my room at the moment." I told him. "Let me Finnish this up and we can-"

"She wasn't there." bellhops said in a worried tone. "I just got back from your room."

The room we were in went still, and I soon turn to panic and ran to my room.

"Kid!" I slammed the door open and grabbed her crib, it was empty. "Kid where are you?"

"She not even a year old yet" the bellhop spoke. "She can't reply to you"

I yelled in a panic, walking all over and room listening and waiting for anything. I soon heard a tiny cry coming from the top drawer, I reached and grabbed the tiny figure as her cry grew louder. "Kid you scared me, how on earth did you get up there"

I rocked the child back and forth until she stopped crying, then placed her back into the crib and took a seat letting out a sigh of relief.

"Anyway, what did you need bellhop?" I asked him

"Well..." He began. "I have some bad news, it seems that we wont be close enough to the shore when we rise in fact we might not be for at least another year."

"Your Kidding?" I told him. "Our deal was that I only had to care for this kid for only a year."

"I Know, but things took a turn" The bellhop explained. "The lady wanted to change the direction due to a hurricane in that area. So I need you to watch the child for just a little longer, I promise things wont be too difficult."

I felt his hand on my shoulder.

"Besides you seem to be getting the hang of this"

"Fine" I sighed. "one more year."


It's been about two years to this day when I first got the child six, since I had her for so long I decided it was about time to give her a name. Six just felt right after the discovery of the lady being the 5th woman in power of the maw, might as well give six a name as a way to keep her birthright once she left for the shores. Tonight the maw was going to be close enough so the bellhop can take six there. I would make today a special day for six, I asked the chefs to swipe me a slice of cake they made for the guests. I took it down to celebrate six's second birthday, and as I lit the candle I heard her giggle in excitement.

"Happy birthday Little one" I told her lifting her up to the cake. "Make a wish and blow the candle out"

A few seconds later I felt a small puff of wind on my hand and the smell of candle smoke filled the room. I placed her down and took the candle out of the cake slice and slid the plate over to her. I listened to the slats and giggles as she played in her food a small hand full of frosting splattered on my face. I chuckled and took a handkerchief and cleaned her up.

"Don't get too messy now kid" I told her cleaning frosting off her hands.

"D-D" a small voice spoke up.

"Kid?" I replied in shock. "what you trying to say?"

The kid was sputtering for a little bit until I heard something that was clear as day.

"D-Daddy" six finally said.

I stood there in shock, I did not know how to reply to this.


"K-Kid, I'm not really yo-" I was speechless. And at the same time confused i never used that word in front of her, hell I'm not even her real father. After a few seconds of silence I sighted in defeat. "If that's what you want to call me kid."

"Roger?" I heard the bellhop behind me. "The lady wants to see all her workers at once."

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