Chapter 11: Little rain coat.

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Lying in bed I was enjoying my few moments of peace and quiet. The sounds and motions of the maw was inviting me to delve into the black and calming void of sleep. My moment of peace was ended as a force hit my stomach enough to knock the wind out of me.

"Dad, time to get up!" Six yelled. "You promised you would take me today"

"Six its still early go back to sleep" I grumbled at the young five year old. "Let dad have five more minutes six I have a big day at work today."

I felt her small feet walk over my stomach and grabbed one of my fingers as she tried to pull me out of bed.

"Daaaad, You said you would show me today" She moaned. "You have been keeping it a surprise forever and you said I could see it today." 

I sat up and let out a sigh of defeat. "I did promise you didn't I? Alright little one let me get my shoes and we can go."

I heard six cheer as she headed to the elevator. She has gotten so much bigger these last three years it almost makes me think she's not the same baby I got forced to take care of so many years ago. Luckily no one has yet discovered her yet, and the bellhop did his best to keep his mouth shut. I made damn sure of that. I still see Cecil and David but normally go up the kitchen, its safer for six this way. The only downfall over the years is my work has gotten harder. The lady has ordered me to keep the children in the cages in the cold dark prison, the only downfall to that is that due to these conditions the children have been passing away more and more. Lately all I can think about when it happens is, well what would I do if that was six? I never thought that me being any kind of parent would ever be possible, but I'm certainly better then her real ones would ever be. 

"Dad, Are you ready!" Six yelled impatiently.

"I'm coming" I grabbed my hat and headed in the elevator. "You are a very impatient one today aren't you? "

"I'm just really excited" six answered and the elevator lifted us to the next floor.  "What is the surprise dad?"

"You will know shortly" I told her as the elevator soon stopped and we entered my collection room. 

We walked in I could already hear six wind up one of my toy monkeys and placed it on the ground, as she played I walked into the next room that motioned my hand on the dolls until I felt a specific one. 

"Six come here" I asked and got a reply with small foot steps coming my way. "Ready for your surprise?"

"Yes dad" she answered eagerly. 

I lifted up the small rain coat I made, and took almost a year to sew together. I herd a small gasp, the lead to a hug from her. "Dad I love it!"

"Well I know you always wanted to do a little exploring down here and I know how hard it is with this ship leaking all the time." I handed her the rain coat for her to try it on. "It may be a little big I used one of my dolls to make the size, but you should grow into it once your older."

"I love it even if it is a little big." six replied happily.  "Can I go exploring now?"

"Maybe tomorrow I got a few things I need to do on the upper floors, would you like me to take you to the library until i'm done?" I felt six climb up my arms and sat on my solders.

"Yes" Six said. "Can you climb up there this time?"

"I'm getting way to old for this." I sighed.


While six was occupied by books, it gave me plenty of time to get the guest rooms finished for today. For 5 years I have finally managed to get everything  in order before the first ship even got a chance to drop off those "Wonderful people". 

"Hey Roger!" Cecil yelled. "You almost done we need you for a second."

"Coming Cecil." I hopped down from the balcony and headed to the kitchen. "What seems to be the problem?"

"It's the damn bulb again." Cecil answered. "I swear it's a every year thing"

I grabbed a new bulb from my pocket and replaced the two. "I'm starting to think theirs an wiring issue, ill need to fix that tomorrow."

"Thanks old man." Cecil spoke. "Also before you ask, Dave took his time to bake you that cake you asked for."

"Here you go roger" Dave replied placing the cake in my hands. "It's a new recipe i hope you like it?"

"Thank you David"

"I feel like you may want to lay off the cake soon your started to get a small gut there." Cecil stated.

"I'll  make sure i remember that Cecil, thank you both again." I replied to them as I let the elevator doors close behind me. While I descended I was thinking of what Cecil had said and began to poked my stomach. "Am I really getting a gut?"


"Hey dad?" Six ask me as I lit the candles on her cake. "How come you don't have any eyes?"

"I have eye's six" I answered. "Just not good ones"

"Then how come I never see them?" 

"Well it's complicated, you see when i was young i got into a .... a fight and well after words I could not see and my skin started to cover them." I told her. "But, I learned to manage with it. I may not have my eyes anymore but with the other seances I have more of a outlook on everything then the people that can see."

"You won the fight tho right?" Six asked.

"Y-yeah." I answered trying by best to lie. "I was able to knocked them all off, Losing my eyes are my battle scares."

"Your so cool dad" Six replied soon hearing a small puff as she blew out the candles. "So I wish that one day I will able to be cool and strong as you."

I couldn't help but smile hearing this, and maybe one day she will be like me maybe even better.

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