Chapter 12: Lady of the depths

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The sky was a mix of dark grey's and crimson as rain poured down on my face. Turning around was a building and the reflection was me, but I was a young boy again. I started walking down the street, and with every step I took I could feel my scalp drip with blood and my vision blurred, but I kept walking. The more I walk the blacker this world got, until everything was surrounded in a pitch black void. I called out but my voice remained silent I just floated in this darkness until an image of a tall beautiful woman in a white mask appeared. She lifted her arm causing a black mass surround me I couldn't breath, I couldn't yell.

I woke up gasping for air.

"Dad?" six mumbled "everything ok?"

"Y-Yeah" I told her. "I'm gonna take a walk six, go back to sleep."

I step out of the room and descended in the maw, thinking that the prison could give me a chance to clear my head. Sure enough to my misfortune the prison was silent. That is until the faintest sound entered my ears. Someone was singing, and it was coming in a much lower level if the ship, I decided to follow it. The voice was getting louder and louder the farther I went below pretty soon the singing stopped and I was at the edge. I placed my hand over the edge to feel water pass my fingers. 

"Is there a leak down here?"

Just then something grabbed my hand and started to pull me, causing me to almost fall into the water. I pulled back and could feel my fingers pop trying to escape this strong force under the water, with a few tugs I manage to free my arm. I heard the water stir as if what was trying to pull me under was rising up.

"Who are you?" a raspy woman's voice asked me.

"My name is Roger and I am the janitor of this ship, who may I ask are you?"

"I am just old woman who was removed from power."

"Removed from power? Then were you head of the Maw before the lady?" I asked her. 

"You mean my daughter? If that's the case yes, she took over and left me to rot in the deep bowels of the maw." I felt this woman's cold wet hand lift my chin up. "And you have been taking quite the amount of care of my little granddaughter haven't you?"

"W-What" I flinched. "How...How di-"

"I can sense her on you" she replied. "don't worry my daughter can't tell, her vanity has left her blind by the things around her."

"So, you have powers too?" I asked.

"Not as many now in my old rotting shell of a body, but when I was still the governess of this ship my powers were grand." she paused for a moment, her voice soon became cold and hateful. "Then that pest that I birthed didn't like her position she didn't want to age like I was oh no, she wanted to feed on more and more souls until she was able to stay young and taking my place once i was at my weakest. I swear greed and vanity will be her down fall and once the powers take over your kin you will be thrown off your throne daughter dear. Like you did with me." 

"So, six has powers as well?" I questioned. "She hasn't shown any yet."

"The age we retrieve our powers are varied." She answered. "But i must warn you about what happens once she dose."

"What do you mean."

"The when she needs to feed her hunger will start small; With bread, dead meat, flesh of the living, and finally a soul. However during this time her hunger will lead her in a blind task. She will not remember who you are or anyone around her all she will be wanting is to complete her feeding and ending it with a soul of her choosing. Gaining the power to become the next head of the maw" 

My mind was swarming, the things she said made me have so many questions. Will I be ready for when six goes through this? If when this feeding starts I can't be for her. If she forgets who I am, then what will she see me as?

"Thank you for your information miss." I told her. "But I'm sure I will have nothing to worry about."

"Did you forget what I told you?" She asked me.

"No, but I am willing to be ready for when its time for her feeding"I may sound confident but deep down, i was not at all.


I headed back to the room and soon I heard six run up and hug me.

"I thought I told you to go back to bed sweetheart?" 

"I had a bad dream." she told me.

"What was it about." I asked her.

"A lady in a white mask" She answered. "I saw you and her and she....she..."

I picked six up and  rocked her. "It's ok, it was just a bad dream."

"It felt so real." 

"Look at me, am I still here little one?" 

"Y-Yes" Six replied 

"Then there's no reason to be afraid ok?"

"k, could you sing to me dad? I'll sing too."

"As long as you go right to bed after this." I reached for the record player and placed the needle and the music began to play, as promised i begun to sing. "Wise men say, only fools rush in, but I can't help falling in love with you."

"Shall I stay..." Six sang. "Would it be a sin? If I cant help falling in love with you?"

"Like the River Flows, surly to the sea. Darling so it goes...somethings are meant to be. Take my hand, take my whole life too. For I can't help falling in love with you?"

I let the song play on its own while I placed six into her bed. My mind went back to what the woman said about her forgetting me while her hunger was in control, but i could not have a care in the world about this. Her forgetting me wont last forever, and even if it was forever i would still stand by her side being so proud of her. 

"Good night six, pleasant dreams" 

"Roger" I heard the bellhop speak in a frustrated tone. "We need to talk."

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