Chapter 14: The loner's Rage

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It was quiet without her around, I missed the days she would wake me up so we could play. I was missing the times I rocked her to sleep, and I was missing the days I was not so alone. Its only been a few months since she left the maw and I was the only one who would ever miss her presents here, I was the only one besides the bellhop who would ever come to know about her. It was easy to put a smile on my face during the day when someone was around, but at night I was no longer blessed with the void of sleep as I once was able to. only the warm tears that flowed gave me the key to my sleep now. 

As I drifted to sleep there was a knock on my door. 

"Roger?" David spoke. "Are you ok? We don't see you as much lately"

"Just leave me alone Dave" I told him. "Tell your brother the same I know he's out there too"

I heard large heavy footstep come towards me and i soon was lifted from my bed.

"What gives you the right to say that to us? Hu?!" Cecil yelled. "After everything i did to help you, after the kindness my brother showed you. You're just going to sit down here and not speak to us? Its been  3 months and you won't even look our way anymore." 

"You don't like being alone do ya?" 

"What?" Cecile's voices soften.

"You don't like it when people come into your life then just leave you, right?" Cecil dropped me to the floor and I just kept going. "That's why you pushed me way so quickly the first time we met since you didn't want to get attached to someone who might just stabbed you in the back later on right?"

"Shut up old man."

"But you couldn't help it since you saw how open your brother was on day one, so you figured everything would be fine and you would could just open up your heart to me."

"I said shut up..."

"And right now your sitting there feeling that your still that sad monster, that should have just kept themselves locked away and remained unfeeling and cold. So you didn't need to feel something you thought you had taken away from you when you want it to stay forever. You know why I know that, because your me." 

It was silent and I soon heard another set of footsteps heading my way. and i soon felt a pair of arms wrap around me.

"If your hurting roger, you can tell us" David said to me. 

"I can't David" I told him. "I can't"

I felt the arms loosen and two sets of footsteps walk away and closing the door. If I told them, then what? Die, I raised the lady's daughter that she wanted dead and then help a child leave the maw. Who knows what would happen if I told them? 

Week's went by as if my world slowed down to a snails pace everything second felt like a eternity. I  missed six, i missed my little girl, and it made me sick that the lady can sleep so soundly. While I sit here with my collection, and wallow in my grief because I had to give up Six to keep her away from the lady. Saying that name made my blood boil with the hatred for her now.

  "Roger?" I heard the Bellhop entered one of my collection rooms below me.

I lowered myself to that floor. "What do you want?"

"I overheard the chefs say how different you've been since we...well w-"

"Stop right there." I interrupted. "You don't know how painful it was to put six on that boat, just get out of here, unless you plan on telling me how she's doing."

"R-Roger, theirs something I have been meaning to tell you" the bellhop started. "She's not there anymore."


"According to my contact, she ran off the night I dropped her off. I know it sounds bad bu-"

A large clash was heard as knocked one of the shelves in the direction of the bellhop, as well another one after that, and another. My collection was getting destroyed with every shelf I tried to drop on the bellhop. 

"You took her there seven months ago!" I yelled at him. "Your telling me this now! She could be dead by now!"

"I-I thought you would go into a frenzy if I told you then." 

"You though wrong! You don't know what its like out there, you took her away from me, you took my daughter away from me!" 

"She's not your daughter!" I felt my hands over the bellhops shoulders as I pinned him to the wall. As he started to choke out the same laugh he did to me years ago.  "Your still in that silly fantasy, shes was never or ever was your daughter."

"You know what? I was more of a father to her then her real family ever was."

"Y-Yeah and what will you do when she forgets that hu?" my grip weaken and the bellhop slipped from my reach. "I was part of the maw for years, when her mother was the hostess. Don't think I don't know about the hunger. Why care about something so much that will never remember you. Just like the lady did with me!"

It got silent for a what felt like forever as we both stood there in silence.

"You think having to let go of someone you cared for is bad, try seeing that person every day knowing that they never, remember you. They just forgot, They forgot everything and your just there with the memories that was left of someone who saw you as a friend."

"The lady forgot you?"

"Yes, she was never like this as a child, while her mother worked I was in charge of taking care of her. I ended up being her best friend almost like family. Then the hunger took over, and from that day she forgot who I was all together and her power hungry rage began. She was not that little girl I remember all those years ago."

"But you stayed by her side all the same." I added

"Yes, it never gets easier the pain that you endure day by day. It's almost better if you drive yourself mad."

"I-I'm sorry, i didn't know" I told him. "But please tell me theirs away to find her. I need to know if she's alright."

"The ferrymen" He replied. "I'll tell him that my contacts on shore spotted a child in there area that was acting strange. I don't know how well this will work, but I'll try."

"Thank you" 

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