Chapter 18: Make a Wish

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"Here you go Roger." David said handing me the small cake."

"Its fine david, thank you."

"I was surprised you wanted one a few days before the guests arrived."

"Well you know the older I get the longer the work takes."

"You know, we can help you during our breaks old man." Cecil spoke giving me a slap on the back.

"I'm not that old yet." I chuckled.

"Hey guys?" David asked. "Has anyone seen the bellhop lately?"

"He's probably hiding, after that spat him and the lady had." Cecil replied. "I mean after her adopted daughter went missing he flew off the Handel."

"Wait?" I responded surprized. "What do you mean by adopted daughter?"

"No one told you roger?" David spoke up. "Of course this did happend when we hardly spoke. One of the children made it to the lady's quarters. The bellhop was able to convince the lady to spare it and raise her, since there was talk about what happen to her baby all those years ago."

"Yeah, so for the past few years the lady had that child around, had its portrait done and everything." Cecil added. "However the bellhop was determine to give here portrait done in a yellow coat. The lady didn't mind it."

"Yellow coat?"

"I know right, what a odd request."

"Well...thank you for the cake as always boys." I told them slowly heading to the elevator. "But work won't get done itself."


While six was exploring, I was getting the final touches done for her birthday. Granted this is a few days early but we wanted to make sure we celebrated just in case she...well the hunger hits. However I was so distracted with what the boys told me, and the more I thought about it. The more crazier it seemed, but all in all I was thankful. Due to the bellhop trying to portray six in that child he convinced the lady to raise. Six has a chance of a normal life once the lady's gone. Normal seems a little farfectched, but be better then living in secret.

"Wow, dad this looks great!" I heard six say with a surprise tone in her voice.

"I highly doubt its that great comment." I laughed "a blind man can only do so much six."

"Looks good to me dad." I heard six pull out a chair to get up to the table. "We ready for this birthday?"

"Hang on let me grab the cake." I took a lighter and lit a candel for the cake. I placed it on top and handed the cake to six. From the slight push I felt on the plate ment I was getting to close.

"The cake looks great."

"Blow out the candel and make a wish six."

"Alright, I wish th-"

"What's wrong?"

"Nothing, I wish... I w...w..."


"Who are you?" I heard six say with a sound of fear in her voice.

"Six it's me. Remember?"

"No, who are you? Where am I? Who am I?!" Six started to panic I much as her and I prepared for it, I wasn't ready for it to gonna my happend.

"Six" I reached out to her trying to stay calm. "Its going to be ok."

"D-don't come near me!."

"It's ok, were just going t-"

"Stay way!" she yelled as I heard her run past me.

"Six!" I followed behind her I could hear her feet on the cold steal, and down the stairs. It felt like we hit the prison area, but she soon stopped as I heard her start to scream.

"Leave me alone! Stay away! I can't understand you!"

"Six just calm down, it will be ok."

"I can't understand you! Please....please leave me alone monster!"

I heard a small thump, as six stopped screaming. I picked her up and I didn't feel her struggle. I sighed as I heard her breathing. She must have past out from screaming. I held her close trying to think of what I should do next, until I heard the chirping of a small group of knome's. I lowered six to them and I felt there small hand reach for her as I placed her down.

"I trust you will find a place for her, take some can goods from the chef andleave them for her."

The knome's chirped again as I heard there small feet walking away.

"Keep her safe."

His Little nightmareTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon