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Erika's POV

"I got to go Grayson" I said as I laid next to him, pushing some hair away from his forehead.

"Do you really?" He asked pouting.

"Yes Gray" I said chuckling a little.

"Okay" He said and hugged me.

I get up out of his bed.
"Wait!" He exclaimed and I turned around,facing him as o was putting my phone into my pocket.

"You forgot my kiss" He said patting his cheek with his index finger.

"You gonna make me give you one everytime I'm about to leave?" I asked him walking over and leaning over, pressing my lips to his cheek briefly before pulling away.

"Just until your my girlfriend" he said
"What then?" I asked

"Then you have to kiss my lips" he said smiling and I rolled my eyes at him.
I put my shoes on and then grabbed the keys.
"Bye Gray" I said.

"Bye beautiful" he replied making me smile as I walked out of his room.

Ethan was in the livingroom
"Bye Ethan" I said walking by him and ruffling his hair.
"Don't I get a kiss too?" He asked.
I chuckled and leaned in and pecked his cheek as he was smiling.

"Bye" I said.
"Bye Erika" he said and I left.

I go downy the elevator to the parking garage and then to Mya's car.
I start it and then drive home.
When I get home, Jack and Johnson are messing around in the livingroom.

"Yo. Where'd you go?" Jack asked as I put Mya's keys down.

"Remember Grayson?" I asked flopping onto the couch.
"Yeah that guy from the beach." He said nodding
"Yeah. He was drunk and called me and asked if I could pick him up. So I did and took him home and stayed the night" I said.

"Oh. He didn't like.. try anything right?" He asked
"No" I said laughing.
They both raise their eyebrows, looking at me.

I look back and forth between them.
"Guys Grayson isn't like that" I said huffing.

"Believe me. He most likely is. That's all any guy wants from girls these days. Sex" Johnson said and Jack agreed.

"We all know you two do" I said rolling my eyes as I stood up.

"Don't you walk away from this conversation missy. You leave when I say you leave" Johnson said and I laughed, pushing his face away.

"Okay Mom" I replied.
"I'm a good mom aren't I?" J and Jack.
"No bro. You let your daughter stay the night with a drunk guy last night" Jack said.
"Don't get him started" I said and as Johnson started to begin his lecture I took off to my room.
I hear the boys laughing and I roll my eyes at them.
I love them to death but gosh they are weird and kinda annoying sometimes.

I want to do something fun and crazy today.
Something I've never done before.
I unlock my phone and text Bree.

Me: yooooo

Bree: ABOUT DAMN TIME. I've been back for a good two days bro where's u been?!

Me: lol dealing with drunk ppl. Anyways. Not the point

Bree: what is the point?

Me: I want to do something neither You, nor I have ever don before.


Me: what?

Bree: you. Me. Beach tonight.

Me: we've don't that before.

Bree: oh right.

Me: BUT. We haven't don't it naked 😏😏

Bree: BITCH YES. Skinny Dipping is definitely on my bucket list for this summer.

Me: alright. Come over.

Bree: omwwww 😊

Could we get in trouble for skinny dipping at the beach at night ??


Within a few minutes Bree was here.

She jumps onto me hugging me.

"You didn't even tell me you were back!" I exclaimed as I hugged her.

I missed my best friend alright. She's been gone since school ended and it's a month and a half in so I missed her.

"I know I was waiting to see if you would text in the time I was back" she said and I scoffed.

"So. Drunk people?" She asked me as we sat on my bed and I start smiling and looking down.

"Well I met these guys at the beach. Ethan and Grayson and they are twins and really nice and Grayson was drunk last night and called me to come pick him up so I was dealing him last night. Which by the way, was hard because he kept jumping out of the car" I said and she chuckled.

"Do I get to meet them? Are they hot? Are they fun?" She asked.
"A lot of fun. Very hot. And Grayson is mine" I said and she raises an eyebrow.

"Alright. But you didn't answer my question. Can I meet them?" She asked.

"After skinny dipping" I said and she nods.

"Because they aren't coming with us. But we can tell them about it later and Grayson will be jealous about not inviting him" I said and she laughs.
"How do you know?" She asked.

"We have a thing" I said shrugging.
"Ooohh have y'all kissed??" She asked me and I started blushing and smiling.
"You wanna see?" I asked getting up and going to my desk. I grabbed the photo booth pics and hand mine to her since Grayson has his pictures obviously.

She looks over them and then stares at the last one.
"aweeee" she whined and I chuckled,

"And wow. He is HOT" she said and I nodded.
"That was our first kiss" I said

"Really??!" She asked and I nodded.
"Yeah I was going in to kiss his cheek and he turned his head and we kissed and then kissed again. And then he kissed me again.. and then he saw my boobs. And then we kissed some more." I said and she starts laughing.

"How did the boobage seeing happen?" She asked.

"NOT ANSWERING THAT" I said laughing and blushing and she starts laughing.

"So this Ethan guy. He cute?" She asked smirking making me chuckle.

"They are twins Bree" I said

"So he looks like Grayson?" She asked.

"Not EXACTLY but they do look similar." I said and she nodded.

Summer 17// Grayson Dolan FanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now