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Grayson's POV

I regret that so much.

Fuck should I go take it all back?

No. I literally just hurt her and broke her heart. Why would she even want ME back.

Its literally been 20 minutes though maybe if I tell her I didn't mean it, she will be okay and take me back.

But I know she won't.

Why did I even do that.

Well she was sleeping with Ethan..


Fuck what if she really wasn't??

Oh my fucking gosh

I hear banging on my door and then it opens and Ethan comes into my room.

"What the fuck bro?" Ethan said angrily.

"What do you want?" I asked shaking my head.

"You had no reason to say those things to her. You can't be mad at her. We were all drunk. Except for maybe you I am guessing. Which gives you absolutely no excuse to have slept with Erika's BEST FRIEND" Ethan said hitting me in the back of the head.

"Dude shut the fuck up you slept with my GIRLFRIEND" I said angrily as I stood up.

"OK AND I WAS DRUNK OFF MY ASS GRAYSON. Whats your fucking excuse?" He asked pushing my chest.

"No. I know y'all were fucking before." I said shaking my head.

"No. We weren't. Just because I AM PHYSICALLY ATTRACTED TO YOUR GIRLFRIEND. DOES NOT MEAN SHE IS TO ME.. Yes. I admit to flirting with her.. Yes. I admit to touching her ass and throwing winks her way. But she didn't want me. She wanted you and you just fucked all of that up because a mistake. When you made the same fucking mistake sober with her best friend and she was willing to look past it, despite how bad it hurt her because she loved you." Ethan replies

"GOD DAMMIT" I yelled throwing my hands in the air and groaning, realizing how right he was.

"I fucked up." I said running a hand through my hair as I look at him.

"Yeah. Ya did" He said agreeing with me

"What am I supposed to do??" I whined sighing and rubbing my hands over my face.

"Well there are two things you could possibly do." He starts.

"Which are?" I asked.

"Well you could go apologize and beg for forgiveness" He says.

"Okay whats the other option?" I asked.

"Give up and give me a chance" He said smirking as he held his hand to his chest.

"Ha. Funny. Looks like I am gonna go beg for my forgiveness now" I said walking past him.

"She's not here" He said and I look back

"Of course she went home" I said shaking my head at myself and going back into my room and putting on my shoes

Summer 17// Grayson Dolan FanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now