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Erika's POV

I wake up with an arm wrapped around me.  I immediately start panicking.

Did I have sex with Grayson last night??? Did that really happen?? Or was it a very vivid dream??

I peak under the blanket, seeing my nude body  against Grayson's.

Oh my god Oh my god. 

Fuck. Why did I do that? Why did WE do that??

What was I thinking last night??

Was I crazy or something??

I have known this guy for not even a month and we had had sex.
I started to move away from Grayson, but he groaned, mumbling nonsense as he woke up.

"Whats wrong?" He mumbled keeping his arms wrapped around me.

I push his arms away from me and sit up, puling the blanket up over my body.

He sits up too, confused.

"Are you okay?" He asked me putting his hand on my knee and I pushed it off.

"No I am not okay Grayson.. We had sex last night.. A lot of it.." I said running my hand through my messy hair and sighing.

"Um. Yeah.. Did you not want to?" He asked, even more confused.

"No Grayson. I did not want to. I have known you for what?? 3 weeks?? And we already fucked." I said not looking over at him.

"Oh" He was all he said, sounding a little upset.

"I don't know why YOU are upset about this Grayson. You wanted to have sex with me .. You got what you wanted." I said.

"Yeah Erika I did want to have sex with you. Your right. But incase you forgot everything that happened last night.. I said.  Not you. Me. That I should contain myself and you said for me to do what I wanted. If you didn't want it then you should have said that you didn't you don't get to be pissed at me now because at the time. It sure as hell seemed like you wanted it too." He said 

"I KNOW. I don't know what the fuck was wrong with me either." I said and he got up and started getting dressed.

"What are you doing?" I asked him as he began throwing my clothes towards me.

"Getting dressed So I can take you home. You obviously don't want to be around me because of something WE BOTH did. Its not all MY fault Erika" He said as I slipped my bikini and shirt back on from yesterday.

"Oh yes.. PLEASE Grayson take me home so I can rant to my siblings about having sex with you." I said and he scoffed.

"Do what you want Erika" He said as I stood up.

"Why are you so mad about it??" I asked rolling my eyes at his attitude.

"Why am I mad? I am mad because I like you. and I am mad because I just had sex with you. But UNLIKE YOU. I'm not mad we had sex.  I am mad because you regret the whole thing" He said.

"And you don't??" I asked him.

"No Erika I don't" He replied.

"Well Thats not MY problem. If you wanna be a fuckboy and fuck girls without even really knowing them. YOU DO YOU GRAYSON.  I am not that type of girl." I said .

"Wow Erika.  I know your not that type of girl.. And you can't say I don't know you because I do. I pay attention to just about everything you say and how you act and the things you like and dislike and everything.  Your obviously the one that doesn't know me.. I'm not a fuck boy. Surprising? No. Not to me. I don't just fuck around with any and every girl and I have only ever had sex with one other girl and that was almost a year ago. I didn't realize that having a crush on someone from the start makes you a fuckboy" He said.

"We have known eachother for 3 weeks Grayson" I said scoffing.

"Yeah and you kissed me on the second one.. And if your complaining about moving fast, There is this word Erika. Its spelled N-O and its surprisingly Easy to say. Most people say it when they do not want to do anything and I guess its not in your vocabulary for some reasons because so many other words are.. A lot of curse words.." He said.

"Your a dick." I said scoffing.

"A dick that you fucked." He replied.

"Just take me home." I said and he nodded.

"Gladly. Maybe you can take some time to think about what you really want." He said.

"I can promise it won't be you." I said as we walked out of his room, walking past Ethan and Bree who looked confused as hell on the couch as they were watching a movie.

"What happened?" Bree asked confused.

"This dick had sex with me" I said pointing to Grayson and he grabbed my pointer finger and lowered it to his lower half.

I rolled my eyes, yanking my hand away.

"Yes We know. We heard last night" Ethan replied as we were walking out of the apartment.

"I'm hanging out with Ethan for a while" Bree yells.

"Try not to get fucked!" I yelled back and she chuckles.

"That defeats the purpose of the game babe" Bree yelled back as Grayson shut the door.

Summer 17// Grayson Dolan FanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now