Chapter 1

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HEY! So this is my very first fan fiction! AHHHHH! Ok so please comment and tell me what you think :)

I sat at my window, looking out at my empty street. I was a beautiful day and yet, not a soul was doing anything outside. Given, it was 7:30 a.m. on a Saturday but still, shouldn’t someone be awake? I blinked. I left my eyes closed a little longer than usual so that I could bask in the silence of my empty room. When I opened my eyes I saw a figure riding a bike down the street but I couldn’t make out who it was. I grabbed my glasses and shoved them on my face. As I blinked once, letting my eyes adjust to being able to see, I realized it was my best friend.

I threw on my sweatshirt and sprinted for my front door. I opened it to see a boy with white-blonde hair and crystal clear blue eyes walking towards me. As soon as we saw each other we smiled.

“Hey stranger,” I said as we embraced. I hadn’t seen Niall in a week. He had been on vacation with his family. He looked slightly tanner but not much.

“Hey,” he said letting go.

“So how was it?” I asked.

“Good.  Greg got a really bad sunburn and had to spend the last couple days in the ICU that mum made out of our hotel room. He went through like, 5 gallons of aloe!” he exaggerated moving his hands to add to the effect. I giggled a little as he continued. “Dad and I went surfing and I think we both ate our weight in chips.” This didn’t surprise me. Niall could literally inhale entire pizzas.

“Sounds fun,” I said adding sarcasm to my tone, then giving him a cheeky grin. He rolled his eyes at me and stuck his hands in the pockets of his sweatshirt. Apparently, he had found something inside his pocket because his face lit up immediately.

“Oh, I almost forgot. I brought you something,” He said as he pulled the thing out of his pocket. “Here.” He handed it to me.

I took it, unwrapped the cloth that surrounded it and gasped. His smile grew. “Oh Niall it’s beautiful!” I held up the necklace to examine it.

The simple leather strap sat casually in my hand along with the small shells intertwined throughout it. The shells were all different colors and a few seemed to change colors depending on the angle that you looked at them.

I stuck my hand out in front of me and he reached for the necklace. He took it and then came up behind me. He reached his arms over my head and I giggled as I saw his shadow grow taller as he moved onto his tip toes. Niall was a few inches shorter than me and I always picked on him for it. I took up my wavy brown hair in my left hand as he hooked the clasp and then laid it gently on my neck. I let my hair fall and my right hand reached for the necklace.

It felt cool but comforting on my neck and in my fingers. I longed for a mirror so that I could see what it looked like. Niall walked back around me so that he could see. His smile grew again as he saw the one on my face. I couldn’t help but hug him again. He always gave the most thoughtful gifts, and he always picked them out. It wasn’t his mum and he was taking credit for it, it was one hundred percent Niall. And, for some odd reason, it made me feel special.

I invited him inside knowing my mum was probably up and fixing breakfast. I was right. As we walked into the kitchen we were engulfed in the sweet scent of maple syrup and the mouth watering aroma of bacon and eggs.

“Hello Niall,” my mum said with a smile. She flipped a few pancakes and pushed the ones she had already made towards us as we sat down at the breakfast bar.

Niall grabbed a plate from the stack, a glass, the pitcher of orange juice and utensils and began to prepare a stack of pancakes. This wasn’t odd. Niall was pretty much like the brother I never had. He was most defiantly part of the family. My mum loved cooking for him because he ate practically everything that she put in front of him. He had spent so many meals at my house that sometimes it felt odd when he wasn’t there.

“Pass the syrup please,” Niall said with his mouth full and while titling his head towards the small glass pitche. I slid it across the counter to him and watched as he drizzled the sticky liquid over his pancakes.

I grabbed a plate and began to eat as well. A few minutes later my older sister came down the stairs.

“Hey Em, have you seen my sunglasses anywhere?” she asked as she opened a few drawers and began searching.

“Erm, yeah Samantha. They are over on the bench by the front door by your keys.” I said to the back of her head as she started down the hallway.

“Thanks,” she hollered and I heard her pick up her keys and she walked back into the kitchen. She smiled at me and eyed my necklace. “Where’d you get that necklace? It’s adorable!” She plucked a banana from the fruit bowl and came over to sit next to me and began to further examine the necklace.

“Niall got it for me. He found it when he was on vacation.” I looked towards Niall who has just washed down his fifth pancake with some orange juice. He smiled.

“Well it’s really cute,” she said winking at me in that sisterly way that said He’s cute and brings you jewelry, why aren’t you dating him? I rolled my eyes at her.

Niall and I had been practically inseparable since grade 6. Niall had been the new kid and his locker was next to mine. He had asked me to help him find his first class and I realized we had the same teacher. We had walked together and talked and sat next to each other and continued talking. We got in trouble with the teacher and I think that was what really made us click. First day, first class and we were already in trouble. I found out later that day on the bus that he had moved into the house down the street from me and, like I said, we were inseparable.

Niall’s incredibly loud belch brought me back to reality. “Nice one,” I said as I put my hand up for a high five and he slapped it. We both burst into laughter. He looked at the kitchen clock and decided it was probably time for him to go and unpack. I walked him to the door and opened it. I thanked him again for the necklace and hugged him. He smiled as he walked out the door and turned around to wave goodbye. I closed the door and ran upstairs to finally look at my necklace.

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