Chapter 26

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Thank you all so much for reading my story and for all of your lovely feedback :) U guys are the amazing ones! That's why this chapter is dedicated to all of you :D

Ok. Grab your popcorn. Here we go........

Chapter 26

Zayn took a deep breath, “Well, that really depends. Who are leaning more towards now?”

“Probably Harry,” I replied. “But, Liam he was my first love, ya know? I just can’t get him out of my head. But what he did…” I trailed off and looked at Zayn. He was deep on thought.

“Hmm… Harry is a player too, but he’s different around you. And Liam, you can tell how badly he feels. He really doesn’t want to loose you. How does each of them make you feel?”

“Well, with Liam, I feel a warmth that slowly grows and as long as I’m around him I feel it and when I’m away from him I feel cold. But, with Harry, it’s like fireworks or electricity. And when I’m away from him, I’m not just cold, but I crave him. Like I can’t live without him.”

“Well, I’d really prefer that you live.”

I scoffed, “Yeah me too, but I don’t think  I can live with Liam being that sad.”

“Are you saying you chose Harry?”

I took a deep breath, “Yes.”

“Then you need to tell them. Maybe you should talk to Niall first though. I know how close you guys are and I know that you’re going to want his opinion on it. But, personally, I think you’re making the right choice and Sam does too.”

“Yeah. Wait, what? Sam knows about me choosing?”

“I had to talk to someone when I was alone.”

I slapped him again, “c’mon you goofball. I need to go talk to the rest of your band.

And with that we walked together, out of the park and down the street to the X-Factor house.

“You ready?” he asked as I took a deep breath.

I nodded and opened the door.

“Niall I need to talk to you.”

“Um, okay.,” He said as he stood up. He gave me a quizzical look and I started walking up the stairs.

I opened the door to the boys’ room and close the door after Niall walks in.

“What do you need, Em?”

“I’m having a bit of a dilemma.”

He took a deep breath. “I know, Em. I want you to be happy. I know Liam and Harry both make you happy. But, you have to take everything into account. Liam was your first love, but he cheated on you. Harry’s a great guy, but is he just a rebound?

I thought to myself for a minute.

Is Harry just a rebound?


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