Chapter 21

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HEY GUISE!!!!! Thank you so much for all of your kind comments :) I LUV U GUYS!!! Important AN at the end!!

I was sitting on the train, ready to go back toIreland. I was so ready to see my family. Especially after everything that’s happened. I needed to talk to my mom. I needed to talk to my sister. I took a deep breath and slowly drifted to sleep.

The train ride was pretty uneventful and incredibly boring. When the train finally came to a stop I couldn’t wait to see my family.

I hopped off the train and my sister quickly wrapped me in a hug. “Zayn told me about everything thing that happened. We are talking about this later.” She whispered in my ear. I nodded and she released me. Damn Zayn. I’m going to have to get him back for that.

I turned to my parents and they wrapped me in quick hugs. “Who’s hungry?” asked my dad. I smiled broadly. “NANDOS!” my sister and I screamed at the same time.

The entire car ride was filled with laughs and family inside jokes. When we got to the restaurant we were still laughing at my dad about how he doesn’t like using public bathrooms. I can’t say I blame him, but it’s still incredibly hilarious. Whenever my parents would bring up the boys, Samantha would cover for me and quickly change the subject. I sent her grateful glances all through our meal.

When we got home I quickly went up to my room and my sister followed. I plopped my suitcase down on my bed and began unpacking. My sister sat Indian style on my bed and began talking.

“Okay, so tell me what happened with Liam.”

I took a deep breath. I silently thanked god for giving me something I could be busy doing instead of having to make eye contact with my sister. I opened up my drawer and shoved some of my clothes inside. “He cheated on me.” I slammed the drawer a little harder than I intended to, but I didn’t really care.

“Yeah, Zayn told me that part. He was so pissed at Liam. I was too. He told me you slapped him and that you went after the slut that kissed him.”

I scoffed. “Ha yeah. I sure gave her a piece of my mind.”

“I don’t blame you. There was something else that Zayn told me.”


“He told me that Harry likes you, too.”

I didn’t know what to say. I mean I knew Harry and I were close and there was that night at the hotel. I groaned and fell back on the bed.

“You didn’t sleep with him did you?” She asked.

I rolled to face her, “NO!” I screamed.

Why did she always think I was sleeping with one of them? Sure, I’ve slept NEXT to three of the five of them, but not like that. I shuddered at the thought. Do I really look like that much of a slut?

My phone vibrated on my night stand. I groaned and got up to get it.

Hey I just wanted to make sure you got home ok :) Call me if you need to talk about anything. P.S. go on the X-Factor website and watch our video diary. It’s hilarious!

I couldn’t help but smile. Oh Harry, you’re so sweet.

HELLO Y'ALL!! I just wanted to let you know... there's only 5 chapters left! but................ THERE WILL BE A SEQUEL!!! YAY!!!!! coming in august probably :) maybe late july! So i have a question for you.... who do you think Emily should choose? Please put your vote in the comments!!!


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