Chapter 24

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This chappie is dedicated to KevinKevinKEVIN cuz she's a dork, we have twin panda cerifiably insane, but I love her anyways cuz she's my big sis :) LOVE YA BABE!! Oh and she convinced to update twice today. So go fan her and read her ALL of her stories cuz they are AMAZING!!

Also, there are only TWO chapters left! *le GASP* but....... IM WRITING A SEQUEL!! WOOT WOOT!! I plan to have it up by August 14th ;) 

Vote, comment, spread the word. SPREAD THE LOVE! 

Xx - Lauren <3


“Emily, there’s something I need to tell you.”

I looked up into his bright green eyes. “What is it Haz?”

“I-I uh well…” he trailed off. 

I reached over and grabbed his hand, rubbing small circles on it. “You can tell me anything Harry.”

“I- Emily I like you. As more than a friend. It kills me to see you back with Liam so fast, especially after everything that he did to you. I can treat you so much better and I would never cheat on you.” He looked up at me. I didn’t say anything.

He got up and ran a hand through his silky curls. “God, I just ruined everything,” He mumbled.

 I got up and turned him around to face me. I looked up at him, but he didn’t look at me. I reached my hand up and ran my fingers from his cheek bones to his chin then pulled his face to look at me. I felt those sparks again as soon as his green eyes met mine.

“You didn’t ruin anything Harry. I need to go find Liam and talk to him. I feel really conflicted right now because I feel the same way as you.” I dropped my hand from his face and turned to face the ground.

Before my hand could reach my side his hand wrapped around it and his other hand reached out and turned my face towards his. I looked up at him and his eyes flickered from my eyes to my lips and back, silently asking my permission. I nodded slightly.

I felt his hand drop from mine and grab my waist. He was slowly getting closer to me and my mind was racing at a mile a minute. Harry and I have kissed before, but I didn’t know I liked him then. What am I going to say to Liam? We kissed after we talked but we talked about him cheating anymore afterwards. Did he think I’d forgotten?

I felt Harry’s hot breath on my face, breaking me from my trance. I shivered and tilted my head slightly to the side. All other thoughts left my mind. I just wanted to kiss Harry.

I felt his lips touch mine softly and I swear every nerve in my body went haywire. I felt everything and I felt numb at the same time. It was unexplainable 

The kiss started off soft and sweet, but slowly became fiercer and hungrier. I reached my hands up and wrapped my arms around his neck and began lightly tugging at the curls on the back of his head.

I heard him moan and his grip on my waist tightened, sending another wave of sparks through my entire body. I began to pull back and he released me, reluctantly. He rested our foreheads together and we both let our breathing go back to normal.

“I need to go talk to Liam,” I said, looking up into his now dark green eyes.

“Okay,” he pecked me on the lips. “Do you want me to come with you?”

“No. I think it would be best if I talked to Liam first. Then we can talk to him.” I pulled away and grabbed my things. “This is going to tear him apart.” I mumbled.

“Ok. Well, come back with me and you can talk to him at the house.”

I nodded and he took my hand in his. Our fingers intertwined effortlessly and they fit together like puzzle pieces. Cliché, I know.


“Hey Liam, can I talk to you?” I asked after a round of hello’s and how are you’s.

“Yeah sure. Let’s go upstairs.” He said with a smile. God, this was going to be hard.

“What’s up?” He asked as he plopped down on what I’m guessing was his bed. I sat on the bed across from him.

 How should I do this? I’m not good at sugar coating things, but I don’t want to sound insensitive. Well here goes nothing.

 “Liam, I-I think we need some time apart,” I said. I cringed when I saw the look on his face. I knew this would happen.

“W-what? Em, if this is about Cher I swear she means nothing to me. There has to be some way I can prove it to you.” He said and he grabbed my hand. A pleading look crossed his face.

“Liam, I’m sorry, but I just don’t trust you anymore.”

The look on his face made me want to cry. He looked so hurt and guilty. I couldn’t lie to him. “And there’s someone else."

He looked up at me. The look on his face wasn’t disbelief, it was… actually he had no emotion whatsoever.

“It’s Harry isn’t it?” he asked in a monotone.

I nodded. I felt so ashamed. “When did all of that start?” he asked as he got up and began pacing around the room.

“The day you cheated on me.” I said. He stopped dead in his tracks. “Liam please don’t be mad at me. I was so hurt and Harry was there to comfort me.”

“I’m not mad at you.” He said putting emphasis on ‘you’.

“Well who are you mad at?”

“Harry.” And with that he stormed out of room and down the stairs.

“NO! Liam stop! Don’t be mad at him! Liam don’t do anything stupid!”

Too late. 

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