Chapter 9

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AN: this chapter gets a little steamy... so if you dont like that sort of thing I would recomend skiping that part :)

Chapter 9

When I landed in Ireland my family greeted me with hugs and congratulations. They had left London after auditions and I had stayed for boot camp. We got in the car and began to drive home. They didn’t know about Liam, but I figured I’d tell my sister tonight and my parents when the boys came to Niall’s place.

When we got home I ran up to my room and called Liam. I had waited so long to hear his voice. The phone rang and he picked up.

“Hey!” he said excitedly. I could hear the smile in voice. “How was your flight?”

“It was good. How’s Harry’s?”

“Good. We are all having so much fun. I just wish you could be here with me.” I could hear his smile fade.

“Oh you guy’s will be here in no time. Plus, we can Skype and stuff until you get here.” I smiled at the thought.

“Ok! Well, Harry’s mum’s made us lunch so I’ll text you later, yeah?” He said as the voices of the other boys began to be more audible.

“HI EMILY!” I heard Louis scream in the background and all of a sudden all the boys screamed, “HI!” I laughed and I heard Liam’s voice once more in my ear.

“I’ll text you soon. Can’t wait to see you. I miss you.”

“I miss you too. You’ll be here before you know it. Have fun. Bye.”


The call ended and I sat on my bed and looked out my window, longing to see him and all the other boys.

“Who was that?” my sister asked as she walked into my room.

“Wow. Eves drop much?” I giggled. “That was Liam. He’s one of the boys in the band with Niall. We’re kind of dating.”

“Kind of?”

“Okay we are.” I smiled. Thinking about it and saying it out loud were definately two different things.

Samantha screamed a little bit. “So? Is he cute?” She asked getting into all the sisterly details.

“Yes, very.” I said. I blushed as I pulled up the picture of the two of us that I had taken before they left. Her eyebrows rose when I showed it to her.

“Oh. My. God. He’s adorable!” We both giggled and then she stopped abruptly.

“Have you kissed him yet?”

I blushed profusely, “Yes.” I said remembering the feeling. I touched my fingers to my lips. I hadn’t told anyone, but that had been my first kiss.

“Have you… ya know…?”

“Oh god no! Oh my god! You’re so weird! NO!” I shouted at her. While I was laughing at her I fell back on my bed. She could be so awkward sometimes. I kicked her and she started laughing, too.

The next few weeks passed by slowly and Niall, Liam and Louis texted me on a regular basis. My parents still didn’t know that I was dating Liam and I asked Sam to keep it on a down low so I could tell them when the boys arrived.

A month later, on the day that they were going to Liam’s, he texted me.

Hey beautiful thinking about you. Xx

My chest fluttered. Just thinking about him did this to me. I smiled. I got a text from Niall a few seconds later.

Don’t let any random creepers in your house ok? :)

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