Chapter 5

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Chapter 5

I woke up that morning with Niall’s warm arm around me and his body still right against mine. I took a deep breath, closed my eyes, and rolled around so that we were face to face. When I opened my eyes his crystal clear blue ones were staring right at me. He smiled and I smiled too.

“Good morning,” he said as he rubbed my shoulder.

“Good morning.” I said. I grabbed his hand from my shoulder, took in both of mine and placed it on my face. It felt warm, just as I had imagined it would. I closed my eyes and took a deep breath and savored the moment. I felt his hand move down my body and pull my lower back closer to him. I got goose bumps. I snuggled into him and we stayed like that for a little while.

When it was 7:30 I decided I should probably get up and start to get ready. When I started to get up Niall’s grasp stopped me and pulled me back. I looked at him quizically.

“Emily?” he asked, I couldn’t read the expression on his face.


“I think Harry likes you.” He blushed. I could tell that he didn’t want to be talking about this, but felt like he should. My stomach fluttered. Harry liked me? He was really cute and he seemed like a nice guy.

“What makes you say that?” I asked, remembering the conversation I had overheard last night when the boys thought that I was asleep. I hoped that this would help him spit out what ever he was trying to say.

“He told me last night that he thought that you were hot. And he was asking me if you had a boyfriend and if I was your boyfriend.”

“So?” I asked trying to egg it out of him.

“So, I don’t know, it just bothered me. So, I guess I’m just saying, be careful. He was bragging last night about how much of a ladies man he is and I don’t want anything to happen to you.”

I thought about this for a second. It did seem plausible. He has that kind of look about him. The cheekiness, the charming and cunning lines, those green eyes. I smiled and nodded at Niall, hoping that it would be enough to reassure him. I started to get up and he let me this time. I got into the shower and changed into my clothes for boot camp and when I came out there was a note on the bed.

Figured I should probably go get changed too. It would be kind of suspicious of I came with the same clothes ;) Come by my room before you go down for breakfast – Niall Xx.

I laughed at him. This was so typical Niall. He definitely had a dirty mind sometimes. My hand went up to my necklace and fiddled with it. I grabbed my phone, shoes, and purse and walked out the door and ran into someone.

“Oh, sorry.” I said looking up into the piercing of green eyes of none other than Harry.

“No, you’re fine.” He said. “I was just heading down to breakfast. Would you like to come with me?” A felt a pang in my heart. I don’t know why but there was a part of me that wanted to. I shook myself back into reality.

“I was actually going to go check up on Niall. We’ll meet you down there, yeah?” I said.

He nodded with a little bit of sadness. I couldn’t blame him. He had just been shot down. He turned and began walking down the hallway towards the elevators and I walked the opposite direction to Niall’s room.

I knocked on the door and got up on my tip toes and stuck my eye in the peep hole. Niall opened the door, laughing. “My peep hole works.” He said.

“Good. You wouldn’t want to let any random creepers in your room.” I giggled remembering our first day here.

“So are you ready for our first day of boot camp?” Niall asked as he grabbed his phone and wallet.

“Yeah, I guess. I don’t really know what to expect though. Do you want me to put that stuff in my purse?” I gestured towards everything he was trying to hold in his hands.

“Would you? That would be great.” He handed me his phone and wallet and we walked down the hallway towards the elevators together.

“Oh, I told Harry that we’d meet him down at breakfast. Is that okay?”

“Yeah, sure. Wait, when did you talk to Harry?”

“I just kind of bumped into him this morning.” I giggled at how true that statement was.

Niall pressed the button for the elevator and it dinged and we walked in. He pressed the button for the lobby and we rode in silence. We didn’t need words and sometimes the silence was good. We exited the elevator and made our way to the breakfast buffet. We got our food and found Harry easily. His hair is hard to miss.

“Hey guys.” He said cheerfully as we approached. I started eating my waffle as soon as I sat down.

“So are you ready for boot camp Harry?” I asked trying to get a conversation going. The boys seemed so much tenser since last night. They barely made eye contact. What else had they talked about?

“I guess I’m as ready as I’ll ever be. I don’t really know what to expect but I think I’ll be fine.” He said before taking a bite of scrambled egg. After cringing a little bit he grabbed the salt and pepper and sprinkled it on, my only guess was that it tasted horrid. Niall was done with his food in about thirty seconds flat so he went up to get some more. When he returned he had three more sausage patties and two more waffles. I don’t know how he stayed so thin. I almost envied him for it, almost.

“Breakfast of Champions!” I exclaimed when he sat down. He looked at me and smiled. His blue eyes reflecting how he felt.

“Absolutely.” He said, shoveling a giant forkful of sausage into his mouth. I cringed and then smiled. How could he eat that much?

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