Chapter 7

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I sat on my bed in my hotel room, trying to decide on what to wear. I didn’t want to be too casual so a sweatshirt was out of the equation. I tossed it to the floor. I decided on my dark blue skinny jeans and a simple peach shirt. My shirt flowed over my body, accentuating my curves loosely and being followed by the tight, contrasting accentuation of my hips and bum.

I put on my black pumps and did my makeup. I kept it simple with a natural eye shadow, but played it up with liquid liner that curled up at the ends of my eyes. I applied my sheer, sparkly, vanilla flavored lip smackers that never seemed to fail me. I winked at my reflection, grabbed my purse and walked down to the elevator.

I checked my phone when I got in. 6:55. Good, I was going to be a little early. I exited the elevator and turned the corner to find Liam standing there with a big smile on his face.

“You look beautiful,” he said looking me over. I suddenly felt flushed and self-conscious, but it all went away when I saw the smile on his face. I couldn’t get myself to say thank you so I just smiled my appreciation. I think he got the message.

He took my hand and an electric current starting radiating from it and continued to spread throughout my body. He waved for a taxi and it came.

“The Lennox theater, please.” He said as he slid into the cab after me. Our hands still locked together and now our legs were touching. The electric current continued to spread. I smiled and he pulled my hand into both of his.

“So tell me a little bit about Emily,” he said looking right into my eyes.

“What would you like to know?” I asked trying to play a little hard to get, but we both knew he already had me.

“Favorite color?”

“Purple or green.”

“Favorite animal?”


“Most embarrassing thing you’ve ever done.”

“I ripped my pants in front of the entire school while doing a dance number in the spring musical,” I cringed remembering the thought and he laughed at me. “Okay, your turn.” I said as I slapped his shoulder.

“What would you like to know?” he said throwing my line back at me.

“Favorite color?”

“Green.” My heart jumped, we had something in common.

“Favorite animal?”

“Turtles.” I looked at him quizzically, “It’s true!” he defended and I giggled. We had something else in common.

“Your worst fear.” I figured I should change it up a bit.

“Spoons,” he blushed. He looked up at me and we both burst into laughter.

“What?!” I clutched my stomach. “How do you become afraid of spoons?”

“I have no clue. I just am” He looked down at our hands.

“Well, I’ll protect you.” He looked up at me and smiled. He pulled my hand up to his lips and kissed my knuckle. I flushed with color and the taxi driver slowed as we pulled up to the theater.

“Thank you,” I said to the driver as we got out. Liam paid the driver and then came and took my hand. As we walked up to the ticket window his hand dropped from mine and found my lower back as we stood looking at the movies and times. The electric current continued.

“What would you like to see?” he asked pulling me closer to him.

“I don’t know,” I said honestly as I wrapped my arm around him. It seemed so easy, so effortless, like we just fit together. “What about something with action? Or maybe a comedy?”

“Do you want to see that new Mr. Bean movie?” He said smiling at me. A childish gleam flashed through his eyes. We both knew the movie was for children ages six to eleven, but that didn’t stop us.

We laughed at ourselves as we entered the theater and found two seats. The movie started not too long after we sat and as soon as it did, he grabbed my hand.

It was a really funny movie and we both came out with tear-streaked faces from laughing so hard. “That was hilarious!” I said as he pulled me closer to him, his arm around my waist.

“I know,” he said. He looked down at me and stopped.

“What?” I said stopping, slightly confused.

“I just love that that is the movie you wanted to see, not some sappy chick flick.” He pushed a few straggling hairs away from my face and tucked them behind my ear. His hands were warm on my face and I cherished their presence. He pulled them away too quickly and I blinked.

“Well, I like chick flicks, but they are more fun to see with other girls because you can cry together. I don’t watch chick flicks with guys because they just sit there and roll their eyes. Plus, I figured that’s probably not what you wanted to see.” I explained.

I found his hands back on my face and I looked up into his deep brown eyes. His face was close and I could feel his warm breath on my face. I blinked and he chuckled and then he closed the gap between our faces. My hands found his shirt and pulled him closer.

When he released me I bit my bottom lip and he smiled. He put his arm around me and we walked through the streets of downtown London just talking and getting to know each other. He called for a cab and we climbed in.

“The Hyatt hotel, please.” he said and he slid in next to me. He put his hand on my knee and I wrapped my arms around his and leaned my head on his shoulder. He kissed the top of my head and squeezed just above my knee, making me giggle.

“What?” he asked.

“Nothing,” I said still giggling because he was still squeezing my knee. “That tickles.” I said and he starting tickling me.

“No stop!” I pleaded as he tickled me mercilessly. I screamed a little bit and forgot that I was in a cab. I fell down onto the seat trying to escape and he stopped and pulled me back up into his arms. We laughed and he hugged me close to him and I looked up into his eyes.

The cab stopped and we got out. He paid the driver and the cab drove off. He walked me to the elevator and pushed the button and the elevator dinged and opened. We walked in and this time I put my hand on his face and slid it down to his neck. His hand found the small of my back and I pulled him closer.

 I left about a half an inch between our faces and as soon as he started to lean in I let my lips brush across his, but didn’t kiss him and whispered, “See you tomorrow.” In his ear. The elevator dinged as it reached my floor and I walked out. I turned around and winked as the doors closed.

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