Chapter 23

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Chapter 23

I walked back stage after the show and saw Paul standing there. I was greeted with a warm smile and a fist bump as I walked past. As I walked down the hallway I saw a lot of the girls give me sympathetic smiles. What the hell? Oh, right, my boyfriend cheated on me. That’s none of their god damn business. I rolled my eyes and smiled back.

I walked into the boys’ dressing room to see only Niall sitting there. When I saw him I realized how long it had been since we’d last talked. Since the last time I was here. Wow.

“Hey Nialler,” I said casually as I plopped down onto the red couch in the room. He didn’t say anything. Weird. “Hello?” I said. It came out a little bit harsher than I had intended, but I didn’t really care. I could feel the anger building inside me.

This time I got a slight nod in return. GOD! What crawled up his chinos and died?

“What’s up Niall? Are you okay?” I asked. I got up and walked over to him.

“Yeah, I’m fine.” He said as he walked over to the mirror and began taking off the thin layer of makeup that being on stage required.

“Um… okay. Well, how are you doing? I feel like I haven’t talked to you in forever.” I figured maybe if I started up a friendly conversation he would start talking to me.

“Fine,” he responded flatly. Okay, seriously? What the fuck is his problem?

“Okay Niall. I know you. What’s wrong?”

“Nothing. I’m fine.” He said rolling his eyes and turning away from me.

I grabbed his shoulder and spun him around to face me, “Like hell you are. Tell me what’s wrong Niall. Please, I hate seeing you sad.”

“I’m fine.” He said with his jaw clenched.


“HE CHEATED ON YOU! Don’t you understand? CHEATED! Why the hell are you giving him another chance? I don’t get it Emily. I always thought you were different than that. You never seemed like the type of girl that would let a boy walk all over her and use her. I guess I was wrong.”

I was completely shocked. I stood there, silent and stunned. He looked up at me and the look on his face went from anger to guilt.

“No Em. Please don’t cry. I didn’t mean that.”

What? I’m crying? I wiped my eyes quickly and sniffled. Niall started coming over to me and he opened his arms up for a hug. As soon as he was an arms length away my arm flew up and hit him right in the chest, stopping him in his tracks. His arms dropped to his sides and his expression went from guilt to hurt, but I stood my ground. I did need a hug, but not from him.

“Emily, please. I really didn’t mean that. I-I’m sorry,” his voice cracked.

“Don’t.” I said. I turned, opened the door, and ran down the hallway without looking back.

“Emily. Emily! I-I’m sorry!” I heard Niall from behind. I knew he wasn’t following me, but I could tell he was crying.

I turned the corner and was met by those familiar green eyes. I sighed in relief. Exactly the person I needed to see. I felt his arms around me, holding me tight as I sobbed into his chest.

“Do you want to talk about it?” He asked. We were sitting in my hotel room. His green eyes showed genuine concern and it was comforting. I took a deep breath 

I told him everything, there wasn’t really a whole lot to tell. By the end I was crying again. He reached up and brushed the tears off my cheek. I felt sparks when his skin touched mine. It was different from when Liam touched me.

When Liam touches me it’s like a warmth that radiates through my body, but when Harry touches me it’s like my nervous system goes into overload and explodes. I stare into his green eyes and I feel his hand stroking my cheek.

Why do I have this feeling in the pit of my stomach that makes being with Harry feel so right?

Maybe because it is. 

AN: Hello lovies :) ok. there's only 3 chapters left!!!! so.... who do you think she should pic now?!

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