Chapter 2

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Hey! So I hope you guys are enjoying it so far. I know nothing has happened yet but stick with me! Please read, comment, vote, and spread the word!

The following Monday, I stood at my bus stop waiting for Niall. My hand involuntarily reached for my necklace. I hadn’t taken it off since Saturday morning when Niall had given it to me. He really was sweet and actually kind of cute. Oh my god! What am I saying? Niall is like my brother. Ew. I shuddered at myself, but the thought still sat in the back of my mind.

I felt two warm hands grab my shoulders and I screamed and turned around to find Niall doubled over. I couldn’t help but laugh along.

“I totally,” he gasped for air, “got you.” He fell into another laughing fit and toppled to the ground. I sat there, laughing so hard my stomach hurt, right next to him. We leaned on each other for support but just ended up falling onto our backs and laughing even harder. We were still giggling when the bus pulled up to the school twenty minutes later.

School was its usual, boring self. At lunch Niall came to me with a piece of paper in his hand.

“Emily look,” he said hold out the paper to me. I took it from him and looked at the big, bold letters across the top.

“The X Factor,” I said out loud. I looked up at him questioningly and he raised his eyebrows egging me to read on.

I read the flyer and at the end I looked up at him with a giant smile on my face. “Niall this is perfect! You have to go on this show!” I said giving him a giant hug. Niall had loved music and singing as long as I’d known him. It was something we bonded over. We had the same taste in music, but there were a few things we didn’t entirely agree on. I thought Adele was the best singer/songwriter out there right now and he thought it was Justin Bieber. I swear he has a man crush on him. I giggled a little at the thought.

He released me. “You have to audition too.” He said looking right into my eyes. I looked at the floor.

“Oh, no I don’t think so. I’m not good enough to be on television.” I told the floor. He scoffed.

“Are you kidding me?” He said grabbing my shoulder, “Emily you’re the most talented person I know.” I smiled at him and shook my head quickly but excitedly. He rolled his eyes at me and next thing I knew Niall was up on the table asking everyone in the cafeteria for their attention.

“How many of you think that Emily Hennigan should go on the X Factor?” He asked. The cafeteria exploded with whoops and applause and one guy said, “Is there even a question?” My cheeks burned bright red and Niall jumped off the table. “See.” The cafeteria stayed silent as everyone looked at me and waited for my response.

“Ok fine,” I said mocking exasperation, “I’ll go to auditions with you.” The cafeteria erupted again and then went back to it’s normal hum.

He hugged me pinning my arms to my sides. I awkwardly bent my elbow so I could pat him on the back as a sign to let go or at least tighten his grip a little. He let go and I grabbed the flyer from him so I could read it again.

I skimmed and then my stomach dropped. “Shit.” I said. All earlier excitement dissolved into sorrow.

“What?” Niall asked. A concerned and disappointed look was on his face as he snatched the flyer from my hands and began skimming to try to find what had upset me.

“The auditions are in London, England.” I said. “My parents will never let me go and neither will yours.” I said mournfully.

“Then we’ll just have to convince them,” he said as he gave my hand a reassuring squeeze. I smiled and looked at him. Now we were on a mission.

Will her parents let her go? Will Niall be able to go without her? Hmmmm....

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