Chapter 18

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Thank you all so much for all of the kind words and support that you've given me so far :) you guys really are the best!!

This chapter is dedicated to AndreBsGirl because she read my story and sent me a PM for every chapter giving me ways to imporve it and she always said something positive! SHE TOTALLY SPAMMED MY EMAIL!!!! lol but yeah. go fan her and read her stories because they r amazing!!!

Well i think ive talked enough so ENJOY!!

Chapter 18

The look on my face went from hurt to unadulterated hatred in a second. I started off after her.

 When she was just an arms length away I reached out and grabbed her ponytail. I whipped her around to face me.

 “You WHORE!” I screamed. I had the urge to slap her too, but she beat me to it. I felt her hand collide with the side of my face and the stinging began.

 I put my hand on my face to try and suppress some of pain. I looked at her and I smirk that said come get me, bitch made its way across her face. I chuckled evily. She had no clue who she was egging on. I pulled my arm back and clenched my hand into a fist. I pulled my arm backwards gathering all the force I could muster, which was a lot considering the amount of rage and adrenaline pumping through my veins.

 Right before I started to swing I felt a hand on my arm and I spun around to meet Harry’s gaze. “I’m not going to let you do anything stupid.” He whispered, reading the expression on my face. I saw Liam come around the corner but I ignored him.

I spun around to face Cher again. “Why?” I asked.

 “Why what?” she said innocently. She was just asking for it.

 “You really are stupid. Isn’t it like the golden rule not to kiss other people’s boyfriends. Especially your friend’s boyfriend.”

 “Actually I think it’s, ‘treat people the way you want to be treated’.”

“So this is how you want to be treated? You want a girl, who you think is your friend, to find your boyfriend and kiss him in front of you? God, that’s messed up.” I spat.

She took a half a step back. I raised an eyebrow at her. She stayed silent.

“That’s what I thought.” I turned to Liam.

“And you,” I pointed my finger at him. “You led her on. You led me on. You’re as much to blame for this as she is.” I pointed atCher.

He opened his mouth to say something, but I cut him off. “No. Don’t say anything. I can’t believe you.” All of the hurt came flooding back, but I didn’t let a single tear fall. “Was this all a game to you? Did you just want to mess with me? Well, it worked.” I felt a sudden wave of courage and I forgot aboutCherand Harry. “I am so glad I didn’t have sex with you on that train! I would have just regretted it. Just like I regret coming here to cheer you on. Just like I regret that there’s still a part of me that loves you.”

“Emily, I l-”

“Don’t you dare say it. Don’t you dare.” I felt the tears coming, but there was one more thing I had to say. “I don’t ever want to see you again.”

AN: sorry this is so short but the next chapter will b longer I PROMISE!! so how are u feeling about liam right about now?

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