Chapter 11

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AN: Fair warning - this is another steamy chapter... I think it's semi important but feel free to skip if you aren't comfortable with it! I won't take it personally. Also... 200+ reads!!!! THANKS SO MUCH!!!

Chapter 11

The week ended and as I went to say goodbye to the boys Liam surprised me once again.

“No need for goodbye hugs,” He said looking right into my eyes. I scrunched my nose and eyebrows and looked at him quizzically.

“I called my mum last night and she said you could spend the week at my house. She really wants to meet-” I didn’t let him finish his sentence before I had pulled into a grateful kiss.

“- you.” He finished as I pulled away.

“I’ll go ask my mum and dad.” I said squeezing his hand lovingly as I left.

I walked into my kitchen and saw my mum and dad sitting at the breakfast bar with their coffee and newspapers.

“Hey mum?” I asked

“Yeah hun?” She said still looking at her paper.

“Can I go with the boys to Liam’s and spend the week with them?”

My father choked on his coffee and my mother peered at me over the tops of her reading glasses. She looked at my dad who shook his head quickly, his eyes pleading her to say no.

“We trust you and we trust Liam. I want an address, his mum’s number and you have to check in with me every night. Is that understood?”

I ran over and hugged her. “I love you! I love you! I love you!” I said squeezing her tightly.

I ran for the front door, opened it, stuck my head out and nodded quickly at Liam. His smile grew and I sprinted upstairs to go pack purposefully leaving the door open. I heard the boys walk in and I ran into my room and grabbed clothes.

When I came back down Niall, Zayn, Louis and Harry were in the kitchen with my mum eating crisps and dip.

“Where’s Liam?” I asked grabbing a crisp. The boys tilted their heads toward the living room. I inhaled sharply and started in that direction.

“Yes, sir. Of course not, sir. I completely understand, sir.” I heard before I entered.

I knew my dad was interrogating him. I walked in.

“Hey, we’ve gotta go if we want to make our train.” I said. Liam turned and smiled at me gratefully.

He stood up and shook my father’s hand. My father gave him a stern look and Liam returned it with a sincere smile and he walked over to me and placed his hand on the small of my back as he led me back into the kitchen. We grabbed our stuff and loaded it into the back of my mums van and headed for the train station.

We bought tickets for three compartments. Two for the boys and one for me. It was going to be a two day trip so my mom got us very nice compartments and I thanked her more than once for them.

We boarded the train and found our compartments. They were all relatively close to each other. Only about five compartments apart at the most. I put my stuff in my room and walked into Liam, Niall and Zayn’s compartment.

I was about to feel bad for them, because there only one bed for the three of them, and then I remembered. Liam would probably be with me. The thought made me smile. I opened the door and saw how cramped the small space was with three boys in it and all of Zayn’s hair care products.

Once Liam got all his stuff unpacked the two of us went back to my room. He closed the door and turned to me. His eyes were as dark, if not darker, than they had been the night he showed up at my front door unexpectedly.

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