Chapter 10

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Chapter 10

I woke up in my bed, alone and found a note beside me.

Good morning beautiful! I had to leave with the boys and figured it was for the best because I don’t think your dad would appreciate us having a sleepover… :) I hope you slept well. Come down to Niall’s when you’re ready. I’ve got a great day planned. Xx Liam

I sighed in agreement, even though I wished he would have stayed. I threw on some shorts and a sheer cotton t-shirt and walked downstairs. My mum greeted me in the kitchen with some eggs and toast. I ate it as I woke up. When I was done I went upstairs, brushed my teeth, washed my face, and applied a thin layer of makeup.

I grabbed my TOMS, my phone, and my purse and headed out the door telling my mom I was going to Niall’s. As I walked down my street I could hear the boys in the back yard so I just walked around.

“Hey!” a sopping wet Liam said. “Can I have a good morning hug?

“Um…” I bit my lip, “Oh, what the hell?” I said running over and jumping into his soggy arms.

The boys whooped and hollered and I’m pretty sure I heard a wolf whistle from Harry. When Liam put me down I was soaked in the front, but I didn’t really care. Harry and Louis were in the pool pretending to drown each other and Niall had his swim trunks on and was doing a giant cannon ball. “WOOHOO!” he screamed as he jumped. Zayn was no where to be seen.

“Where’s Zayn?” I asked as I sat on Liam’s lap in one of the chairs. He wrapped his arms around me. Now I was completely soaked.

“He’s still asleep.” I checked my phone. It was 10:30.

I couldn’t say I blamed him. I probably would have gone back to sleep too if Liam hadn’t left me that note. I smiled, remembering it. “Thanks for your note this morning.” I said turning to face him.

“I thought you might like that. I figured it was better than just leaving you. I wish I could have stayed, but…” he trailed off. I knew what he was thinking and I agreed. I kissed him, thanking him for his consideration. “So are you ready?” he asked enthusiastically rubbing the small of my back.

“Sure. What are we doing?”

“Well, I figured we would start with a walk to the farmer’s market. Niall told me they had really good muffins.” I giggled. Of course Niall recommended something food related.

“Let’s go.” I said, forgetting we were both wet.

“Let me go change into something dry and then we’ll walk back to your house so you can change, too.” He planted a kiss on the top of my head as he got up. “Be back in a sec.”

I walked over and put my feet in the water. I saw Louis swimming up, but didn’t say anything. If he did anything I was already wet. I felt his hand grab my foot and I pretended to scream as he surfaced.

“Grrr. I’m a shark,” Louis said as he put his palms together and put the heels of his hands on top of is hands trying to make it look like a fin. I just laughed.

Then I felt two hands on my back and I was thrust forward and into the pool. When I resurfaced Niall and Harry were doubled over and rolling on the ground. Louis couldn’t hold in his laughter and I couldn’t either. I laughed as I sat there, wading in the water for a few moments. It felt cool on my sunkissed skin.

Liam came out and looked at me and then to the boys and shook his head. A smile spread across his face. I went under water and came back up by the stairs. I walked up the stairs and ran my fingers through my long brown hair fully aware at how clingy all of my clothes now were.

When I was standing on the concrete at the top of the stairs I flipped my head over and shook out my hair with my fingers. I flipped back up letting my entire body roll with it and became aware of the silence from the boys.

I looked at Liam, who was standing there, watching my every move. I walked over toward him popping out my hips as I did. When I got to him I placed my hand on his face and brushed my lips across, not quite kissing them his, just as I had done in the elevator on our first date.

He stumbled forward slightly as I pulled away, longing for more. The boys were still silent and I grabbed Liam’s hand. I turned to Harry, Niall, and Louis as I led Liam out of Niall’s back yard and gave them a wink. Harry started drooling. I giggled at him.

I walked Liam down the street still leading him by the hand until we got to my house. I led him in and told him to wait at the bottom of the stairs as I went up to get changed.

I grabbed my TopShop short-shorts and a racer back tank and pulled my hair into a wet, messy bun on top of my head. When I walked down the stairs Liam was sitting there patiently waiting.

“That was quick,” He said reaching for my waist.

“How long did you think I was going to make you wait?” I asked as I batted my eyelashes and looked up at him.

He pulled me into a passionate kiss and I let my arms rest around his neck. I felt his grip on my waist growing tighter and he pulled me closer. I came and ran my hands down his chest and then heard a man clear his throat and the pages of a newspaper flip.

Liam and I both blushed. “Hey dad,” I said knowing that he had just witnessed our moment.

“Hello sweetie,” He said turning his head to look at Liam. “Liam.” He said firmly.

“Hello sir.” Liam said staying where he was by the stairs.

“Liam and I are going to walk to the farmers market. We should be back by noon.” I told my father, pecking him on the cheek.

I turned, walked towards Liam, grabbed his hand and led him out the door. I heard him sigh with relief as the door shut behind us. I turned to him and we both burst into laughter.

We walked hand in hand through the farmers market and bought six of the muffins that Niall had told Liam about. We ate two and figured we would bring the other four back to the boys. That’s not exactly what happened. We both ate three muffins and laughed when we were done. We went back in and got six more knowing we should probably bring some back for the boys.

We didn’t really talk much while we were at the market, but we didn’t need to. We knew almost exactly what the other one was thinking. We walked back to Niall’s in silence and when we got to the backyard we placed the box of muffins on the patio table. Niall came rushing towards us.

“You guys are the best!” he said opening the box and pulling out a muffin. The other boys came running over so they could get a muffin before Niall ate them all. The four of them fought for the last two and Liam and I laughed at them knowing they could just split them in half.

That’s the other thing I loved about Liam. He was so sensible and level-headed. He seemed to have a completely logical and honest answer for everything. He squeezed me tight to him and we just sat like that for a while, together. Without a care in the world.

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