Chapter 22

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You guys are seriously the best fans ever!!! I love you all!! ENJOY! :)

I stayed at home for the next few weeks, just hanging out with my family and getting away from all of the drama. I watched the boys every week and voted for them as many times as possible. I watched their videos every week. Week 2 was by far my favorite. I sent Louis a bag of carrots after that. I’m waiting for him pull out his good old SUPERMAN t-shirt. I’m surprised he hasn’t yet.

Harry and I text back and forth almost everyday. He tells me about the boys and about everything that they’re doing. It’s really sweet of him. I feel like we’ve really become good friends.

Being away from Liam gave me a lot of time to think. We texted every now and again, but there was still a part of me that didn’t entirely trust him. I mean, can you really blame me? At least I haven’t seen anything about him andCheranymore.

Speaking of the devil, she texted me other day. God, she’s got some nerve.

Hey. I understand if you don’t read this. But, if you do, please read it all the way through. I’m so sorry that I did that. I was just so jealous that you had him. He’s such a great guy and he’s smart and nice (I gagged a little bit here) but, he’s yours. He really didn’t kiss me back, ever. I don’t know how I can ever make this up to you. I know that if I was you I wouldn’t even be able to open this message. So, if you did, thank you so much. You are a much better person than I am, Emily. I’m so sorry. If you can ever find it in your heart to forgive, well I’d be grateful beyond measure. Xx. – Cher

I read all the way through it. Then I read it again. Then, and please don’t ask me why, I called her.

“Hello?” her raspy voice answered. It sounded like she had been crying. Maybe she really was sorry.

“HeyCher, it’s Emily.”

I heard her gasp, “Oh my god. Emily, I’m so so so so sorry. I can’t even express it. What I did was wrong. It was disgusting and I’ll never be able to forgive myself. I never thought I’d be that girl.” That last sounded oddly familiar.

“Cher, the fact that you made an effort to say sorry means a lot to me. I’m ready to forgive you, but I just want you to know that I will never forget.”

“Thank you so much! You don’t understand what that means to me. None of the girls in the house will talk to me. I’ve heard them call me a slut and a whore, and I know that they’re right-”

I cut her off, “Cheryou’re not a whore. You just made a mistake. Everyone does. But, if we can learn from them and become better people, we grow and it helps us in the long run.”

I heard her sniffle, “Thank you Emily. You really are a great person.”

“I was planning on surprising the boys this weekend. I’m going to be inLondonfor a few days. Do you want to hang out? Maybe grab coffee or something and go shopping?”

“I would love to. I’ll have to check my schedule, you know with rehersals and all, but I can move some of them around. Thank you so much Emily.”

“Absolutely. I’m really not one to hold grudges.”

She laughed, “I guess not. Ring me when you arrive, yeah?”

“Sure. I’ll talk to you soon.”

“Good bye, and thanks again, It really does mean the world to me.”

“You’re welcome. Good bye.”

I hung up and took a deep breath. Maybe this would be fun. We could really get to know each other. I smiled and fell back onto my bed. Yeah, this will be good for me.


“Hey,” I wavedCherover to the table.

“Hey,” she said as she sat down with her tea.

“So how are you? I mean, I haven’t talked to you in forever.” I said, trying to start a friendly conversation. To be honest, you could cut the tension between us with a spoon.

“I’m good. None of the girls in the house talk to me. The boys finally started to yesterday. Well, Louis did. Zayn never really talked to me before. Harry doesn’t blow me off anymore and I get a smile from Niall every now and then. I don’t even look at Liam, it’s not worth it.” She said to her cup.

“I’m really sorry that they’re treating you like that. No one should be ignored for their mistakes. No matter how bad they might be. Everyone deserves a second chance.” 

She smiled at me then. I smiled back and some of the tension left the air. 

“Where do you want to go first?” she asked.

“To be honest, I’m not really sure. I’ve heard that Top Shop is amazing. Can we go there?”

Her face lit up, “Yes! Oh my gosh I love Top Shop. It’s my favorite store! You’re going to love it!”

She grabbed my hand and led me out of the coffee shop. She practically ran down the street to the Top Shop. When I finally caught up with her I understood why. I opened the giant glass door and my jaw dropped to the floor. It was beautiful. There were clothes and shoes everywhere. Everything that you could ever imagine. I felt like a little kid in a candy store. It was too good to be true. 

A light pink dress caught my eye and I made my way towards it. When I got to it I reached my hand out and rubbed the soft pink chiffon between my thumb and forefinger. It had small pleats and a high neckline. It looked like it cut off just above the knee. I grabbed the hanger off the rack and started towardsCher.

Her eyes went wide when I walked over with it. “That’s adorable! You have to go try it on!” She pushed me towards the fitting rooms. I entered the small room and changed into the dress. I pulled my hair out of the back and let it fall around my shoulders. I turned to face the mirror and couldn’t help but smile.

It was beautiful. It accentuated my curves and was still conservative. I stepped out of the small room to seeChersitting one of the chairs. Her face brightened when she saw me.

“You look amazing!” She said. “You have to buy that and wear it this weekend!” then she squealed. We both broke into laughter and I agreed to buy it. I went back into the fitting room and changed back into my skinny jeans and racer back tank top. 

I ended up getting a pair of black pumps, a cocktail ring, a clutch, and a statement necklace to go with it.Chergot a pair of combat boots, ripped jeans, and a bomber. We walked out of the store laughing like we had been friends our entire lives.

It felt good to laugh. I hadn’t in what seemed like forever. In the moment withCherI realized something. Everyone really does deserve a second chance.

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