Chapter 25

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Hey guys! Only ONE MORE CHAPTER LEFT!! *le GASP* Thank you all so much for reading, especially those of you that have been here from the beginning :) and all of you that ALWAYS vote and comment! YOU GUYS ROCK!!!!

Ok well enough of my babbling.... ENJOY!!

Chapter 25

When I got to the bottom of the stairs I watched Liam’s fist collide with Harry’s face.

My hands immediately flew to my mouth and there was a moment where everyone was still, waiting for Harry’s next move.

He put his hand up to his bleeding nose, touched it and getting blood on his finger in the process, then pulled his hand away to look at it. When he saw the blood he sniffled once and then brought his fist to connect with Liam’s chin, causing his neck to snap up.

“NO!” I heard someone yell. Oh wait, that was me.

The boys moved quickly. Louis came over to comfort me, Harry and Liam were still pummeling the shit out of each other, and Zayn and Niall got up to break them apart.

Zayn, being the smart person that he is, went up behind Liam and placed his hand on his shoulder. Silently telling him to calm down. Niall, being the one to always act on his gut feeling, stepped right in the middle of the two brawling boys.

I heard the undeniable sound of a fist connecting with a face and I watched as Niall fell to the floor. I wrenched my self from Louis’ grasp and ran over to him. His hand was covering his reddening check, there was definitely going to be a bruise there tomorrow.

Liam and Harry were still going at it like nothing had happened. I couldn’t believe it! One of them had just punched Niall,my Niall, square in the face. “ENOUGH! BOTH OF YOU STOP IT!” I stood up, they still hadn’t stopped beating each other. “STOP IT BEFORE I BEAT THE SHIT OUT OF BOTH OF YOU!!!” I screamed at the top of my lungs. I took a deep breath and everything went silent.

Harry and Liam were still clutching each other, but it wasn’t in anger. It was in fright. Louis took a step back and Zayn ran out the door with his varsity jacket and I pack of cigarettes in hand. I knew he hated it when people fought, but the boys fighting? It was almost too much for him to bear. I could tell by the empty expression on his usually cheery face. I hated that I was doing this to them.

I’m tearing the boys apart. This is all my fault. If I wasn’t such a slut-

I sudden intake of breath snapped me from my thoughts. I saw Louis walking over to me and I was soon engulfed by his warm embrace. “Don’t you dare say anything like that ever again.” He whispered as he rubbed my back. I felt the tears begin to fall. Why am  I crying? And what does he mean? I didn’t say anything, did I?

“Yeah, you did. You said, and I quote, ‘I’m tearing the boys apart. This is all my fault. If I wasn’t such a slut’ that’s when I cut you off because I couldn’t stand the thought of you thinking like that. You aren’t a slut Emily.”

I pulled away from him, still wrapped in his arms, so that I could get a better look at his face. I looked right into his deep blue eyes and I saw sincerity and concern laced inside them.

“Thank you Louis,” I managed to croak.

I felt another hand on my shoulder. I could tell just from one touch who it was. I turned around, out of Louis’s grasp, and into the arms of my best friend. As soon as his warm arms were around me, I immediately felt safe and calm.

“Emily, you’re not a slut. You’re just confused. I would be too. Harry and Liam are both really great guys, but they’ve both hurt you.” He pulled back and wiped the tears from my cheeks. “I know this might sound harsh, but you do need to choose. I’m not saying it has to be at this exact second, but it needs to happen sooner rather than later. You can’t lead them on.” I nodded and looked at Liam and Harry.

Liam had a pained expression on his face. Harry looked sad and I could tell he felt guilty. Zayn was still outside. “Someone should go check on Zayn, should I go?” I asked. Niall nodded. I turned around and walked out the same way I had seen go earlier.

I walked out the door, closing it quietly behind me. I looked to my left and my right. Zayn was no where to be seen. I walked around the house once and I still didn’t see him. Maybe he went for a walk? I knew there was a park nearby, I had seen it on the way here. I started walking in that direction.

When I got to the park I didn’t see anyone, but it was getting dark and I had forgotten my glasses so that’s not really saying much. I saw Zayn’s varsity jacket on a bench over by the playground. I looked around and saw a lone figure with its back facing me. Zayn.

I walked over and sat down on the swing next to him. He was so lost in thought that he didn’t even notice my presence. I studied him for a good ten or fifteen seconds and he didn’t blink once.

I got up off of the swing and sat down on the ground in front of him and placed my hand on his knee. I got and eyebrow raise and a low grunt. His eyes still stayed glued to the mulch in front of him.

His hands were clasped together so tightly his knuckles were turning white. I moved my hands to his and slowly started to pry his fingers apart. When I finally got all of his fingers free I held his hands in mine. He had blinked a few times by now, but his stare was still glued to the mulch. I’d never seen someone think that hard before.

“Zayn?” No answer. I’ll try again. “Zayn? Are you okay?” Still nothing. Time to pull out the big guns, “Zayn if you don’t snap out of it I’ll hide all of your mirrors.” 

His head immediately smapped up, “NOT MY BABIES!” and we both broke into fits of laughter. He pulled me up onto his lap and wrapped his arms around me in a brotherly way. I mean, he’s dating my sister.

“I’m sorry Zayn, I shouldn’t have yelled like that. I’m tearing you all apart. I’m so sorry.”

You aren’t tearing us apart,” he said, putting a lot of emphasis on ‘you’. “You aren’t doing it on purpose. Believe me, I understand. I just don’t like to see the boys fighting each other. But, you’re fight worthy. You and your sister both. I mean, if it was me and one of the boys that liked Sam, I’d be fighting the same way they are.”

“Thanks Zayn.” He nodded and smiled at me. “Can I ask you a question?” I asked.

“You just did,” he said cheekily.

I slapped his arm. “Ha ha, very funny,” I said sarcastically. “But, seriously.”

“Fire away sister.” He said with a smile.

“Who should I choose?”

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