Chapter 4

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Ok so this is when everything really starts to happen! Thanks for not getting bored these first few chapters!

London was beautiful. The people, the architecture, and according to Niall, the food. When we got to the hotel I screamed a little to myself. This was everything I had ever dreamed about. Plus, I got to spend it with Niall and my family. I heard a knock at my hotel room door and I peaked out the peep hole to see who it was. I was greeted with a crystal clear blue eye and I opened the door, laughing.

“My peep hole works,” I said as I invited him in.

“That’s good. I wouldn’t want you to open up your door to some random creeper.” He winked at me.

I let out a sigh. “I can’t believe this is all really happening.” I said as I sat down on my bed.

“I know,” he said as he sat down next to me. He turned towards me, “Isn’t it exciting?”

I nodded and he wrapped his arm around me. I leaned in. We stayed like this for a while. We were off in our own little worlds, thinking about everything that could await us. Planning what we would do with the money we would get and all the fame. I sighed and Niall kissed the top of my head, not in a romantic way but in a way that said, I’m here no matter what and don’t forget it. I smiled as I snuggled closer to his shoulder.

Finally, the day came. The day of our auditions. Niall and I sat by each other and practiced runs and warmed up our voices. We didn’t talk much, but there wasn’t a need to. We knew exactly how the other was feeling. When Niall’s name was called I gave him an encouraging smile and two thumbs up. The lady told me I was after him and that I could go ahead and watch him. I smiled gratefully at her and she simply nodded her head.

Niall walked on stage and I could see that he was shaking. He smiled and waved at the judges as the audience applauded. I couldn’t help but smile. “What’s your name?” asked a male voice that could belong only to Simon Cowel. A shiver of fear and excitement ran down my spine.

“Niall Horan.” He answered and the audience applauded once again. His Irish accent was thick because he was so nervous. I couldn’t help but giggle I little bit.

“What will you be singing for us today, Niall?” Simon asked.

“So Sick by Ne-Yo.” Niall replied. And with that he started singing. Almost immediately the audience roared with applause. I heard them all stand up and I heard the nerves leave Niall’s voice. I clapped along with the audience. And when he was done I cheered the loudest. Niall took a deep breath and exhaled. I did too.

“That was very good,” a female voice rang through the theater, it must have been Cheryl.

“Thank you,” Niall said into the microphone.

The judges began with their compliments and a few criticisms and I booed and clapped and whooped along with crowd. Then came the moment of truth.

I heard one “Yes” after the other and I let go of the breath that I hadn’t realized I was holding.

I clapped for him and he glanced back at me, winked and then ran off stage with a thank you and a wave. The lady pushed me out on stage and I walked to the center and looked around.

“What’s your name?” asked Simon

“Emily Hennigan.” I replied trying not to sound too nervous.

“And what will you be singing, Emily?”

“Chasing Pavements by Adele,” I said

I began and the theater was completely silent. I got to the chorus and belted the high notes and changed to my head voice where I saw fit. When I finished the theater erupted. Everyone stood up even the judges. I let out a sigh of relief.

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