Chapter 13

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AN: Before I start i just wanna say... HOLY CRAP!!! 1,000+ READS!!!!!! u guys r truely amazing! thank u so much for reading, spreading the word, and all of ur positive comments and feedback! U guys make my day :D


Chapter 13

We walked out of Liam’s room and downstairs to see everyone talking and having a good time in the kitchen. Of course, Niall had his head in the fridge. Harry, being the player he was, was flirting with Liam’s sister Nicola. Ruth kept eyeing Niall but he never looked over at her. I pulled her aside.

“Hey. I saw you eyeing Niall. He doesn’t look at anything while he’s eating. It’s like he goes into caveman mode or something.” I said reading the expression on her face.

She smiled at me. “Thanks. I was feeling a little bit rejected but that totally makes sense. How do you know so much about him?”

“Niall’s pretty much my brother. We’ve known each other since grade 6 and we’ve been pretty much inseparable since.” She gave me a look. “There’s never been anything romantic between us. I swear!” I said putting my arms up in surrender. She laughed.

“Okay. So how do I get his attention?”

“Do you have any Dorito’s?” she nodded. “Hold them up and say, ‘Hey Niall, Come here boy’ like you’re calling to a dog and then when he starts running at you toss them and scream ‘FETCH!’ He’ll think it’s hilarious.”

She walked away quickly and grabbed the Doritos.

“Hey Niall,” she said and his head turned towards her and his eyes grew when he saw the bag in her hand. “Come here boy.” She patted her leg and he started running at her. When he was an arms length away she threw them and screamed fetch.

Instead of chasing after the bag he accidentally ran right into her knocking them both to the floor. They stayed there laughing for a little bit and then they both abruptly stopped and their eyes locked. Niall was still lying on top of her. We all sat there watching them.

“Hey Niall, I… um… Kinda… can’t breathe,” she said. Niall laughed and got up and helped Ruth up too. They looked around and saw everyone staring at them. Both of their faces turned bright red.

Ruth walked over and picked up the Dorito’s, opened the bag and ate one. Niall reached for one but she pulled the bag away. They gave each other a look and Niall chased Ruth around the house. We all laughed and Liam came over and put his arm around me.

“You’re the best,” he whispered in my ear.

“What did I do?” I asked

“You helped Ruth. I don’t think I’ve ever seen her this happy.”

“Well, I’m glad I could be of service. Plus, she’s perfect for Niall.”

They were on the couch and Ruth had Niall pinned and was dangling a Dorito in front of his face. She ate and he rolled over and tackled her and she finally gave him the bag. Liam and I were laughing our heads off. Niall sat down on the couch and pulled Ruth up on the couch with him. She snuggled into his shoulder. I smiled, they looked really happy.

I hadn’t seen Nicola or Harry in a while. I smirked having an idea of what they were doing. I didn’t mention it to Liam because he would probably flip out. He was really protective of his sisters, even though he was their little brother.

We walked out to his backyard and saw Zayn and Louis on their phones texting away.

“Hey boys,” I said when we walked out. “Who you guys talking to?”

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