Chapter 3

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After realizing that she wasn't being chased, Tashby stopped running. But she still paced quickly, nervous about what would happen.

The sidewalk in the wasteland between the two cities was clearly nonexistent. Tashby hadn't even been out of Trimi before, and she was surprised to find that out.

The slashing of her legs by the grass added to the hunger and exhaustion. But she had to reach Dero, and only then she could do all the relatively unimportant things. There was probably someone who would meet up with her in Dero; her mother had said that someone would explain everything to her. Tashby wished the person would some already; she could use some support.

So when the "Dero" sign finally glimmered in the distance, it gave Tashby a rush of power. There was a little left until she'd reach her destination. She bent forward a bit at the weight of her bag; her body hurt. It was close to night, but she had no clue exactly how much time it was. But it was late, and the first stars had already popped up.

The streets of Dero felt quirky, with all the cafes flashing their neon signs at her. Some cafes were even open on the rooftops, with people flying from one to another over her head. Tashby stared up in fascination. Everything she could see seduced her, but she had to find someone first.

"Tashby Graham?" She heard behind her back. The person was a female adult.

It was probably the person her mother had been talking about. So she turned around to face a brown-haired woman with tanned skin. She looked young, thirty at most.

"Yes," Tashby nodded before being pulled aside.

"My name's Ivy. First of all, don't tell anyone my name, much less yours," She whispered, holding Tashby's wrist. Tashby felt even more nervous. These events were weird, like she had imagined them. But she was assured that it wasn't one. It was reality, and the reality could be even worse.

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