Chapter 11

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The boy looked back at the ground, swaying the magazine around. Tashby pulled her hand towards one nut, but suddenly, her wrist was grabbed. Her eyes met with the boy's.

"Were you trying to steal?"

"No..." Suddenly she was bad at lying again. She looked back at Keaton, seeking for support. He stared at her and simultaneously spread his wings. Then he briefly pointed at them as he rose into the air and raised his eyebrows questioningly, as if asking is she had understood.

Tashby was stunned. She couldn't reveal that she had no wings. It would mean death, and she had already been caught. She cast another glance at the place Keaton stood at and noticed that he was not there.

A figure flew past in the distance. She tried to act natural, pulling her hand out. She used her other hnad to loosen the grip and broke free, falling on the ground. Passers-by were turning their heads, but no one stopped to watch. Using the moment, Tashby stood up and ran, ignoring the boy. Keaton was nowhere to be seen. She had to find either him or Ivy.

How intelligent, she scolded herself mentally. Drawing attention to herself was forbidden, and that was just what she had done. No, Keaton wasn't probably going to help her much. Especially after she revealed she couldn't fly. He'd ask her lots of questions, and she didn't want that. Ivy was the only person that she could trust.

Now she had nowhere to look. If she were searching for Keaton, she could at least go to his basement. But she had no clue where Ivy was.

Tashby avoided the crowd, going back into the silent district. For a while she was afraid of being found by Keaton, but that was soon covered up by other fears. Any given second she could be killed, and she was paranoid over what a little boy thought about her. She really needed to learn to recognize the things that were more crucial than others; there was no time for minor problems.

Ivy was her most important task now, but she had no idea where to search.

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