Chapter 22

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The sky was gradually fading to indigo, and she was still running. Her face was sweaty and red, and her legs were in pain, but she didn't let herself stop. Tashby would rest once she reached the village.

Something yellow flashed over the mountains. She was sure it wasn't the sunset, and she almost wanted to stop, but held back and moved on.

The sound of an explosion made her faster. Someone was there, and it couldn't be anyone but the police. And she had no one but herself to blame. She sped up with every step, feeling like her heart would break through her chest at that moment.

A creak in the mountains. Perfect, she thought as she reached for it and almost slipped. Every second, she was tasked with finding balance.

She could see a clearer picture now. Burning wooden houses, groups of people rushing around. Tashby couldn't possibly tell them all that she was a traitor.

And then she could take no more. She fell down from her feet and immediately forced herself up, pain hitting every inch of her. She watched the horror unravel silently, but she wasn't doing anything.

Tashby used the old method: don't think, move.

Was that really happening? It looked like a war. She had to save someone.

"Run, girl!"

She didn't have the power or courage to turn around. She needed to finish her task first.

A familiar grip on the collar. Falling on the grass and being tugged up.

"Haven't you heard what I said? Run!"

A young adult woman was standing before her, holding her arm. That lasted for a mere second, and then they both ran in the opposite direction. The woman never loosened her grip on Tashby's arm. Tashby noticed that she was dressed in clothes that seemed a bit too tight, made of something apparently cheap.

It didn't matter who that woman was. The only thing that mattered was that she was from the village.

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