Chapter 17

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If Tashby didn't have to live in Laora, she would choose to live in Neva. She was grateful for how close it was to her new home.

"Tomorrow we'll be there," Ivy's voice stood out of the crowd's noise. Tashby found her face and managed a grin. She was starting to enjoy being lost among colors.

The next bit was less crowded and more quiet, but still bright and unique. That was where Tashby imagined the hotel would be.

Then she saw a man in the corner. He was leaning against the wall casually, and though she could only see his silhouette, Tashby instinctively got nervous.

"The police," Ivy whispered. "Leave."

Tashby felt a sudden pull back, and before she even acknowledged it herself, she was walking in a different direction. The last thing she saw with the corner of her eye as she spun around was the policeman turning his head.

"Excuse me?"

"Ignore him!" Ivy hissed.

A grab on the collar. Tashby broke out and ran. She no longer cared about anything.

"Tashby!" Ivy screamed behind her as she turned onto the street that was full of foot traffic. Tashby knew she had to return, but she risked getting found by the man that way. She would wait until the danger passed.

She broke out on the other side of the crowd, separated from the policeman, and sighed with relief.

Then someone else caught her palm.

"Is your name Tashby Graham?"

Another policeman. She dragged her palm away, but the man held it even harder.

"Yes," She managed, out of breath. She'd figure out how to run away later, right now she simply had to act natural.

"Please procced after me," The man loosened his grip, but didn't let go.

That was it. She would die, and it was all her own fault. Should have listened to Ivy and come back. Now the only thing she could do was get out and run, and she hoped to be able to do it, but now she was too scared to.

The man slipped his hand into hers. They slowed the pace down, and Tashby assumed he had relaxed. Now could be the perfect time, if she had the strength and bravery to pull the escape off.

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